2.1.3 Testing

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:13 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

6] Send yourself two test messages: one with `test' in the subject
   and one without `test' in the subject.

7] Start your mailer (pine, elm, etc.) and check that the messages
   were delivered correctly.  The one with `test' in the subject
   should be in the folder $MAILDIR/IN.testing and the one without 
   `test' in the subject should be in your inbox.  

   If these were not delivered correctly, see section 2.2 on
   "Troubleshooting Procmail" section below.

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.1.2 Setting Up Procmail for Testing"
Next document is " 2.1.4 Setting Up Procmail to Filter Mailing List Messages"