2.1.4 Setting Up Procmail to Filter Mailing List Messages

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:14 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

8a] Once you have successfully tested procmail in steps 6 and 7, create 
     rc.maillists for filtering incoming mailing-list messages into mail 
      cd .procmail
      pico rc.maillists

8b] In rc.maillists, create a recipe, like the two example recipes
    below, for each of your mailing lists.

     * ^TOwww-talk

     * ^TOprocmail
     The first recipe filters the www-talk mailing list and the second 
     recipe filters the procmail mailing lists.  The meaning of the first 
     recipe is as follows:

     Notation      Meaning
     ========      =======
     :0            Begin a recipe
       :           Use a lock file
     *             Begin a condition 
       ^TO         Match ``To:'' ``Cc:'' or other synonyms for To at the
                   beginning of a line, followed by any or no characters,
                   followed by....
          www-talk  ``www-talk''
     IN.www-talk   If successful match, put in folder $MAILDIR/IN.www-talk

     * ^TO is not a normal regular expression; it is a special
       procmail expression that is designed to catch any destination
       specification.  For details, see the MISCELLANEOUS section of
       the procmailrc(5) man pages.

     * Do not put a space between the caret (^) and the word `TO' in

     * Do not put a space between the `^TO' and the text that you are
       matching on; it must be `^TOtext'.

     * Both letters in `TO' must be capitalized.

9]  Repeat steps 6 and 7 to make sure that things are still working.

10]  Comment out the rc.testing line in you .procmailrc file so that it looks 
     like this:
       # INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.testing

     NOTE: Leaving the rc.testing line in your .procmailrc file is
           useful for future testing.

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.1.3 Testing"
Next document is " 2.2 Troubleshooting Procmail"