2.4 Tracking Your Incoming Mail

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:40 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

You can use mailstat, a useful script that is part of the procmail
package, to check your procmail log file. Check to see if it is 
on your system by typing either `which mailstat' or `type mailstat'.  
If it's on your system type:

  mailstat $HOME/.procmail/log

This displays a concise version of your log file and moves your log 
file to log.old.  You may want to put the above line in your .login so that 
each time you log in you will see a listing of how many messages you've
received since the last time you ran mailstat, and what folders these
messages were delivered to.

You can get a mailstat listing of log.old by using the -o flag:

  mailstat -o $HOME/.procmail/log

If mailstat is not on your system ask your system administrator to
install it.  The script is located with all the other procmail tools
(see 2.1.1 above for the ftp location).

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.3 Explanation of Test Recipe"
Next document is " 2.5 Procmail References"