2.5 Procmail References

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:50 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

Man Pages:    procmail(1)   - autonomous mail processor
              procmailrc(5) - procmail rc file
              procmailex(5) - procmail rc file examples
              procmailsc(5) - procmail weighted scoring techique
              egrep(1)      - search file for regular expression (procmail 
                              uses egrep-style regular exprssions along with 
                              some of its own expressions like ^TO)
              formail(1)    - mail reformatter
              sendmail(8)   - send mail over the internet

Newsgroup:    comp.mail.misc

Mailing List: procmail@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
           Subscribe to the procmail mailing list by sending mail:
             To: procmail-request@informatik.rwth-aachen.de 
             Subject: subscribe

Procmail Archives:
           Get a list of files available at the procmail mail server by 
           sending mail:
             To: procmail-request@informatik.rwth-aachen.de 
             Subject: archive ls

           Get Best of the Procmail mailing list by sending mail (you'll 
           need gzip and a MIME-decoder to unpack it):
             To: procmail-request@informatik.rwth-aachen.de 
             Subject: archive get best_of_procmail_list*

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.4 Tracking Your Incoming Mail"
Next document is "3.0 Mailagent"