3.0 Mailagent

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:03:00 GMT
From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@hptnos02.grenoble.hp.com>

Mailagent is a powerful mail processing package that can be used to
process your mail messages, either at arrival time via a .forward hook
or later on while they are already saved in a mail folder.

Mailagent is written in Perl and hence has all the advantages of being
interpreted, i.e. it is easy to enhance dynamically and to customize.

This version of the FAQ describes the basics of setting up mailagent to
process incoming mail messages from within a .forward. To find out about
the more advanced features of mailagent, please refer to the mailagent(1)
manual page.

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.5 Procmail References"
Next document is " 3.1 Setting Up Mailagent"