63) Sakai, J. T., Boardman, J. D., Gelhorn, H., Smolen, A., Corley, R. P., Huizinga, D., Menard, S., Hewitt, J. K. and Stallings, M. C. (2010). Using trajectory analyses to refine phenotype for genetic association: Conduct problems and the serotonin transporter (5HTTLPR). Psychiatric Genetics, 20(5):199-206. PMCID pending
62) **Button T. M., Stallings, M.C., Rhee, S.H., Corley, R.P., and Hewitt, J.K. (2010). The etiology of stability and change in religious values and religious attendance. Behavior Genetics. PMCID pending
61) *Munn, M. A., Stallings, M. C., Rhee, S., Sobik, L. E., Corley, R. P., Rhea, S. A., and Hewitt, J. K. (in press). Bivariate analysis of disordered eating characteristics in adolescence and young adulthood. International Journal of Eating Disorders. PMCID pending
60) Button, T. M., Hewitt, J. K., Rhee, S. H., Corley, R. P., and Stallings, M. C. (2010). The moderating effect of religiosity on the genetic variance of problem alcohol use. Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research, 34(9): 1619-1624. PMCID pending
59) Sakai, J. T., Stallings, M. C., Crowley, T. J., Gelhorn, H. L., McQueen, M. B. and Ehringer, M. A. (2010). Test of association between GABRA2 (SNP rs279871) and adolescent conduct/alcohol use disorders utilizing a sample of clinic referred youth with serious substance and conduct problems, controls and available first degree relatives. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 106(2-3): 199-203. PMCID pending.
58) Palmer, R. H. C., Young, S.E., Hopfer, C.J., Corley, R.P., Stallings, M.C., Crowley, T.J. and Hewitt, J.K. (2009). Developmental epidemiology of drug use and abuse in adolescence and young adulthood: Evidence of generalized risk, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 102(1-3): 78-87. PMCID: PMC2746112
57) Gelhorn H, Hartman C, Sakai J, Stallings M, Young S, Rhee SH, Corley R, Hewitt J, Hopfer C, Crowley T (2009). An item response theory analysis of DSM-IV conduct disorder symptoms. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 48(1):42-50. PMCID: PMC2773289
56) **Button TM, Stallings MC, Rhee SH, Corley RP, Boardman JD, Hewitt JK (2009). Perceived peer delinquency and the genetic predisposition for substance dependence vulnerability. Drug Alcohol Depend, 100(1-2): 1-8. PMCID:PMC2663024
55) Hartman CA, Gelhorn H, Crowley TJ, Sakai JT, Stallings M, Young SE, Rhee SH, Corley R, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ (2008). Item response theory analysis of DSM-IV cannabis abuse and dependence criteria in adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47(2):165-73. PMCID: PMC2443687
54) Gelhorn H, Hartman C, Sakai J, Stallings M, Young S, Rhee SH, Corley R, Hewitt J, Hopfer C, Crowley T (2008). Toward DSM-V: An item response theory analysis of the diagnostic process for DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence in adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47(11):1329-39. PMCID: PMC2800944
53) Corley RP, Zeiger JS, Crowley T, Ehringer MA, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Lessem J, McQueen MB, Rhee SH, Smolen A, Stallings MC, Young SE, Krauter K (2008). Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents. Drug Alcohol Depend, 96(1-2):90-98. PMCID: PMC2574676
52) *Hawke, J. L., Stallings, M. C., Wadsworth, S. J. and DeFries, J. C. (2008). DeFries-Fulker and Pearson-Aitken model-fitting analyses of reading performance data from selected and unselected twin pairs. Behavior Genetics, 38, 101-107. PMCID pending
51) Ray, L. A., Rhee, S. H., Stallings, M. C., Knopik, V. and Hutchison, K. E. (2007). Examining the heritability of a laboratory-based smoking phenotype: Initial results from an experimental twin study. Twin Research & Human Genetics, 10:546-53.
50) Ehringer, M.A., Clegg, H.V., Collins, A.C., Corley, R.P., Crowley, T., Hewitt, J.K., Hopfer, C.J., Krauter, K., Lessem, J., Rhee, S.H., Schlaepfer, I., Smolen, A., Stallings, M.C., Young, S.E., Zeiger, J.S. (2007) Association of the neuronal nicotinic receptor beta2 subunit gene (CHRNB2) with subjective responses to alcohol and nicotine. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 144B, 596-604.
49) Haberstick, B. C., Timberlake, D., Smolen, A., Sakai, J.T., Hopfer, C.J., Corley, R.P., Young, S.E., Stallings, M.C., Huizinga, D., Menard, S., Hartman, C., Grotpeter, J., and Hewitt, J.K. (2007). Between- and within-family association test of the dopamine receptor D2 TaqIA polymorphism and alcohol abuse and dependence in a general population sample of adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68, 362-370. PMCID: PMC2507866
48) Schlaepfer, I. R., Clegg, H. V., Corley, R. P., Crowley, T. J., Hewitt, J. K., Hopfer, C. J., Krauter, K., Lessem, J. M., Rhee, S. H., Stallings, M. C., Wehner, J. M., Young, S. E., and Ehringer, M. A. (2007). The human protein kinase c gamma gene (PRKCG) as a susceptibility locus for behavioral disinhibition. Addiction Biology, 12, 200-209.
47) Hopfer, C. J., Lessem, J. M., Hartman, C. A., Stallings, M. C., Cherny, S. S., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S., Mikulich-Gilbertson, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S. E. and Crowley, T. J. (2007). A genome-wide scan for loci influencing adolescent cannabis dependence symptoms: Evidence for linkage on chromosomes 3 and 9. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 89, 34-41. PMCID: PMC1892279
46) Sakai, J. T., Young, S. E., Stallings, M. C., Timberlake, D. and Crowley, T. J. (2007). Test of association between TaqIA A1 allele and alcohol use disorder phenotypes in a sample of adolescent patients with serious substance and behavioral problems. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 88, 130-137.
45) **Button, T. M. M., Hewitt, J. K., Rhee, S-H., Young, S.E., Corley, R.P., and Stallings, M. C. (2007). The role of conduct problems in explaining the comorbidity between alcohol and drug dependence in adolescence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87, 46-53.
44) Hartman, C. A., Lessem, J. M., Hopfer, C. J., Crowley, T. J. and Stallings, M. C. (2006). The family transmission of adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67, 657-664.
43) *Bricker, J. B., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Wadsworth, S. J., Bryan, A., Timberlake, D., Hewitt, J. K., Caspi, A. and DeFries, J. C. (2006). Genetic and environmental influences on age at sexual initiation in the Colorado Adoption Project. Behavior Genetics, 36, 820-832.
42) Hopfer, C. J., Young, S. E., Purcell, S., Crowley, T. J., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Rhee, S-H, Smolen, A., Krauter, K. S., Hewitt, J. K. and Ehringer, M. A. (2006). Cannabis receptor haplotype associated with fewer cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents. American Journal of Human Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 141, 895-901. PMCID: PMC2564870
41) Rhee, S., Hewitt, J. K., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Crowley, T. J. and Stallings, M. C. (2006). Comorbidity between alcohol dependence and illicit drug dependence in adolescents with antisocial behavior and matched controls. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 84, 85-92.
40) Sakai, J. T., Young, S. E., Stallings, M. C., Timberlake, D. and Crowley, T. J. (2006). A case-control and within-family tests for an association between conduct disorder and 5HTTLPR. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 141, 825-832.
39) Prescott, C. A., Madden, P. A. F., and Stallings, M. C. (2006). Challenges in genetic studies of the etiology of substance use and substance use disorders: Introduction to the special issue. Behavior Genetics, 36, 473-482. (2007 Fulker Award from the Editor of Behavior Genetics)
38) Huizinga, D., Haberstick, B. C., Smolen, A., Menard, S., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Stallings, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2006). Childhood maltreatment, subsequent antisocial behavior, and the role of MAO-A genotype. Biological Psychiatry, 677-683.
37) Young, S. E., Rhee, S-H, Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P. and Hewitt, J. K. (2006). Common genetic etiology underlying symptoms of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana dependence in adolescents. Behavior Genetics, 36, 603-615.
36) **Button, T. M. M., Hewitt, J. K., Rhee, S-H., Young, S.E., Corley, R.P., and Stallings, M. C. (2006). Examination of the causes of covariation between conduct disorder symptoms and vulnerability to drug dependence. Twin Research, 9, 38-45
35) *Gelhorn, H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Rhee, S., Hopfer, C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2006). Common and specific genetic influences on aggressive and non-aggressive conduct disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 570-577.
34) Young, S. E., Smolen, A., Hewitt, J. K., Haberstick, B. C., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., and Crowley, T. J. (2006). Interaction between MAO-A genotype and maltreatment in the risk for conduct disorder: Failure to confirm in adolescent patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1019-1025.
33) Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Dennehey, B., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S., Lessem, J. M., Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S. E. and Crowley, T. J. (2005). A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci that influence antisocial substance dependence in adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 1042-1051.
32) Loehlin, J., Jonsson, E. G., Gustavsson, J. P., Schalling, M., Stallings, M. C., Gillespie, N. A., Wright, M. J., and Martin, N. G. (2005). Psychological masculinity-femininity via the gender diagnosticity approach: Heritability and consistency across ages and populations. Journal of Personality, 73, 1295-1319.
31) *Gelhorn, H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Rhee, S. and Hewitt, J. K. (2005). Genetic and environmental influences on conduct disorder: Symptom, domain and full-scale analyses. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 580-591.
30) *Siewert, E. A., Stallings, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2004). Genetic influences on vulnerability to, and protective factors for, adolescent drinking. Twin Research, 7, 617-625.
29) Sakai, J., Stallings, M. C., Mikulich, S. K., Corely, R. P., Young S. E. and Crowley, T. J. (2004). Mate similarity for substance dependence and antisocial personality disorder symptoms among parents of patients and controls. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 75, 165-175.
28) *Heiman, N., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E. and Hewitt, J. K. (2004). Investigating the genetic and environmental structure of Cloninger's personality dimensions in adolescence. Twin Research, 7, 462-470.
27) Hutchison, K. E., Stallings, M.C., McGeary, J. and Bryan, A. (2004). Population stratification in the genetic case control design: Fatal threat or red herring? Psychological Bulletin, 130, 66-79.
26) Rhee, S., Hewitt, J. K., Lessem, J. M., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P. and Neale, M. C. (2004). The validity of the Neale and Kendler model fitting approach in examining the etiology of comorbidity. Behavior Genetics, 34, 251-265.
25) *Siewert, E. A., Stallings,, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2004). Factor structure and concurrent validity of the Drug Use Screening Inventory in a community adolescent sample. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 627-638.
24) Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S., Lessem, J. M., Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S. E. and Crowley, T. J. (2003). A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci influencing substance dependence vulnerability in adolescence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 70, 295-307.
23) *Siewert, E. A., Stallings, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2003). Genetic and environmental analysis of behavioral risk factors for adolescent drug use in a community twin sample. Twin Research, 6, 490-496.
22) Rhee, S., Hewitt, J. K., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Crowley, T. J. and Stallings, M. C. (2003). Genetic and environmental influences on substance initiation, use, and problem use in adolescents. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 1256-1264.
21) Young, S. E., Smolen, A., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P. and Hewitt, J. K. (2003). Sibling-based association analyses of the serotonin transporter polymorphism and internalizing behavior problems in children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44, 961-967.
20) Hopfer, C. J., Stallings, M. C., Hewitt, J. K. and Crowley, T. J. (2003). Familial transmission of marijuana use, abuse and dependence. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42, 834-84.
19) Loehlin, J., Jonsson, E. G., Gustavsson, J. P., Stallings, M. C. and Martin, N. G. (2003) The androgen receptor gene and psychological traits: Are results consistent in Sweden and Australia? Twin Research, 6, 201-208.
18) Rhee, S., Hewitt, J. K., Corley, R. P., and Stallings, M. C. (2003). The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: Comparison of disorder prevalences in families. Behavior Genetics, 33, 257-269.
17) *Adams, J. B., Heath, A. J., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K. and Stallings, M. C. (2003). Relationships between personality and preferred substance and motivations for use among adolescent substance abusers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 29, 691-712. (Undergraduate Independent Study)
16) Rhee, S., Hewitt, J. K., Corley, R. P., and Stallings, M. C. (2003). The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: A review of family studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44, 612-636.
15) *Heiman, N., Stallings, M. C., Hofer, S. M. and Hewitt, J. K. (2003). Investigating age differences in the genetic and environmental structure of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in later adulthood. Behavior Genetics, 33, 171-180.
14) Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Stallings, M. C., Rhee, S., Crowley, T. J. and Hewitt, J. K. (2002). Substance use, abuse and dependence in adolescence: Prevalence, symptom profiles and correlates. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 68, 309-322.
13) Bryan, A. D and Stallings, M. C. (2002). A case control study of adolescent risky sexual behavior and its relationship to personality dimensions, conduct disorder, and substance use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31, 387-396.
12) Owens, J. C., Stallings, M. C. and Johnson, T. E. (2002). Genetic analysis of low-dose ethanol-induced activation (LDA) in Inbred Long Sleep (ILS) and Inbred Short Sleep (ISS) mice. Behavior Genetics, 32, 163-171.
11) Hopfer, C. J., Stallings, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2001). Common genetic and environmental vulnerability for alcohol and tobacco use in a volunteer sample of older female twins. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62, 717-723.
10) Young, S. E., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R., Krauter, K S. and Hewitt, J. K. (2000). Genetic and environmental influences on behavioral disinhibition. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 96, 684-695.
9) Stallings, M. C., Hewitt, J. K., Beresford, T., Heath, A. C., and Eaves, L. J. (1999). A twin study of drinking and smoking onset milestones and latencies from first use to regular use. Behavior Genetics, 29, 409-421.
8) Gabel. S., Stallings, M. C., Schmitz, S., Young S. E., and Fulker, D. W. (1999). Personality dimensions and substance misuse: Relationships in adolescents, mothers and fathers. The American Journal on Addictions, 8, 101-113.
7) *Miles, D. R., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Hewitt, J. K., Crowley, T. J., and Fulker, D. W. (1998). A family history and direct interview study of the familial aggregation of substance use disorder: The Adolescent Substance Abuse study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 49, 105-114.
6) Gabel, S., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Schmitz, S., Crowley, T. J. and Fulker, D. W. (1998). Parental variables in substance misusing adolescents: Importance of maternal disorder. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24, 61-84.
5) Stallings, M. C., Cherny, S. S., Young, S. E., Miles, D. R., Hewitt, J. K., and Fulker, D. W. (1997). The familial aggregation of depressive symptoms, antisocial behavior, and alcohol abuse. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 74, 183-191.
4) Stallings, M. C., Dunham, C., Gatz, M., Baker, L. A., & Bengtson, V. L. (1997). Relationships among life events and psychological well-being: More evidence for a two-factor theory of well-being. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 16, 104-119.
3) Gabel, S., Stallings, M. C., Schmitz, S., Young, S. E., Crowley, T. J. and Fulker, D. W. (1997). Personality dimensions in mothers and sons: Relationships to adolescent substance misuse. Personality and Individual Differences, 23, 79-86.
2) Stallings, M. C., Hewitt, J. K, Cloninger, C. R., Heath, A. C., and Eaves, L. J. (1996). Genetic and environmental structure of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire: Three or four primary temperament dimensions? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 127-140.
1) Hofer, S. M., Stallings, M. C., Reynolds, C., Cliff, N., and Russell, G. L. (1994). What criteria define a successful career in psychology? It depends on who you ask. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 447-458.
Book Chapters :
Stallings, M. C. (in preparation). Genetic Epidemiology and Molecular Genetics. In K. Sher (Ed), Oxford University Press, Handbook on Substance Abuse.
Giarrusso, R., Stallings, M. C., and Bengtson, V. L. (1994). The "Intergenerational Stake" hypothesis revisited: Parent-child differences in perceptions of relationships 20 years later. In V. L. Bengtson, K. W. Schaie, and L. Burton (Eds.). Intergenerational Issues in Aging, (pp. 227-263) NY: Springer Pubs.
Invited Faculty: University of Colorado Population Center Short Course in Biodemography; Lecture: "Behavior Genetics: Theory, Substance, and Methods"; June 11-13, 2007; University of Colorado, Boulder.
Discussant: Behavior Genetics Association Symposium: “International
collaboration towards an integrated model of personality from a behavioral
genetic perspective,” organized by Juko Ando at the 35th annual
meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Los Angeles, CA, June
30, 2005.
Invited Participant: National
Institute on Drug Abuse Genetic Epidemiology Portfolio Review Meeting,
Rockville MD, February 22, 2005
Stallings, M. C., Corley,
R. P., Dennehey, B., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S., Lessem, J. M.,
Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S. E. and Crowley,
T. J. "A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci influencing
antisocial substance dependence in adolescence." Invited paper
presented as part of a symposium organized by the National Institute
on Drug Abuse at the XIth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics,
Quebec City, Quebec, October 4-8, 2003.
Speaker: National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Heterogeneity of
Drug Abuse Meeting”; May 22-23, 2003; Bethesda, MD; Presentation:
“Treating the Family as the Unit of Analysis: Modeling Familial
Resemblance for Substance Abuse Vulnerability Utilizing Clinical and
Control Family Pedigrees.”
Speaker: National Institute on Aging, “Genetics, Behavior and
Aging Meeting”; March 29, 2002; Bethesda, MD; Presentation:
“Multivariate Structure of Adult Personality.”
Speaker: Keystone Symposia Meeting, “Genetics of Alcohol and
Substance Abuse (B2)”; January 23-28, 2000; Tahoe City, CA;
Presentation: “The Familial Aggregation of Antisocial Substance
M. C., Hewitt, J. K., Hofer, S. M., Heath, A. C. and Eaves, L. J.
"Exploring the genetic and environmental structure of the Tridimensional
Personality Questionnaire." Paper presented as part of a symposium
organized by the lead author at the 30th annual meeting of the Behavior
Genetics Association, Burlington, VT, June 29-July 1, 2000.
Faculty: European Association of Personality Psychology and International
Society of Individual Differences Summer School on the Behavioral
Genetic Analysis of Personality Structure and Development, Gent, Belgium,
September 19-25, 1999.
Abstracts (1st author and student abstracts only):
Munn Eating Disorder Conference (October 2010)
Vandever WCPG presentation (October 2010)
Bricker SRA presentation (March 2010)
Bricker, J. B., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Schmitz, S., Stallings, M. C. (2009). Association between risky
sexual behavior impulsivity, and attention problems in adolescents and young adults. Behavior Genetics
39(6): 638-639.
Munn, M.A., Stallings, M.C., McQueen, M.B., Stetler, G.L., Rhee, S.H., Sobik, L.E., Smolen, A., and Hewitt, J.K. (2009). Examining associations between disordered eating characteristics and serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms. Behavior Genetics, 39(6), 671-672.
Vandever, J. M., Button, T. M. M., Corley, R. P., Young, S. E., Hewitt, J. K., and Stallings, M. C. (2009). Using Cloininger’s Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire to assess behavioral disinhibition. Behavior Genetics
39(6): 686.
Munn, M. A., Rhee, S., Corley, R. P. and Stallings, M. C. (2008). Genetic and Environmental relationships among disordered eating and internalizing symptoms in female twins. Behavior Genetics, 38, 640.
Stallings, M. C., Wadsworth, S. J., Corley, R. P., Button, T. M. M., Rhea, S. A., Hewitt, J. K., Plomin, R. and DeFries, J. C. (BGA 2007). Findings from the Colorado Adoption Project. Behavior Genetics, 37, 796.
Bricker, J. B., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Gelhorn, H., and DeFries, J. C. (BGA 2007). Association between age of sexual initiation and deviant behavior in combined twin and adoption samples. Behavior Genetics, 37, 741.
Munn, M. A., Stallings, M. C., Rhee, S. H., Sobik, L, Corley, R. P., and Hewitt, J. K. (BGA 2007). Heritability of disordered eating characteristics in adolescence: An extended twin design. Behavior Genetics, 37, 778.
Bricker, J. B., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R. P., Haberstick, B. C., Smolen, A., Stetler, G., Young, S. E., Hewitt, J. K., and DeFries, J. C. (2006). Association between age of sexual initiation and dopamine-encoding genes in combined twin and adoption samples. Behavior Genetics, 36, 957.
Button, T. M. M., Rhee, S., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Stallings, M. C., and Hewitt, J. K. (2006). Elucidating the relationship between affiliation with delinquent peers and polysubstance dependence vulnerability. Behavior Genetics, 36, 959-960.
H. L., Stallings, M. C. and Hewitt, J. K. (2005). An investigation
into the genetic etiology of adolescent antisocial behavior and conduct
disorder: An application of item response theory. Behavior Genetics, 35, 801.
H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Rhee, S., and
Hewitt, J. K. (2004). Genetic and environmental architecture of aggressive
and non-aggressive conduct disorder. Behavior Genetics, 34, 640.
D. A., Stallings, M. C., Lessem, J. M. and Hewitt, J. K. (2004). Investigating
age at onset twin analyses with simulated data. Behavior Genetics,
34, 641.
M. C., Corley, R. P., Dennehey, B., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S.,
Lessem, J. M., Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S.
E. and Crowley, T. J. (2003). A genome-wide search for quantitative
trait loci influencing antisocial substance dependence in adolescence.
Behavior Genetics, 33, 720.
N., Larsson, M., Stallings, M. C., Young, S.E., Smolen, A. and Hewitt,
J. K. (2003). Novelty seeking and dopamine receptor polymorphisms
in adolescents. Behavior Genetics, 33, 705.
H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K.
and Crowley, T. J. (2003). A detailed investigation of DSM-IV conduct
disorder symptoms: Heritability of individual items and a comparison
of selected and unselected samples. Behavior Genetics, 33, 702.
D. A., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P. and Hewitt, J.
K. (2003). Investigating genetic and environmental influences on age
at onset of alcohol use and the latency from first use to regular
use in the Colorado Adolescent Twin Sample. Behavior Genetics, 33,
M. C., Hofer, S. M. and Heiman, N. (2003). Factorial invariance of
the Tridimensional Personality Questionniare across later adulthood.
The Gerontologist, 43, 398.
N., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E. and Hewitt, J. K. (2002). Investigating
the genetic and environmental structure of the Tridimensional Personality
Questionnaire in Adolescence. Behavior Genetics, 32, 469.
H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley R. P. and Hewitt, J.
K. (2002). Genetic and environmental influences on adolescent conduct
disorder. Behavior Genetics, 32, 466.
M. C., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K., Krauter, K. S., Lessem, J. M.,
Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Young, S. E. and Crowley,
T. J. (2002). A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci influencing
substance dependence vulnerability. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 66
(Supplement 1), S170.
H. L., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E., Corley R. P., Hewitt, J. K.
and Crowley, T. J. (2002). Substance use patterns and antisocial behavior
in clinical family pedigrees. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 66 (Supplement
1), S63.
N., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E. and Hewitt, J. K. (2002). Heterogeneity
of personality among adolescent males with substance abuse and conduct
disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 66 (Supplement 1), S77.
M. C., Hewitt, J. K., Lessem, J. M., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P.,
Mikulich, S. K. and Crowley, T. J. (2001). Modeling the familial transmission
of alcohol dependence symptom counts in clinical and control family
pedigrees. Behavior Genetics, 31, 470.
M. C., Heiman, N. and Hofer, S. M. (2001). Investigating the genetic
and environmental structure of personality in older adulthood. The
Gerontologist, 41, 203.
M.C., Hewitt, J. K., Lessem, J. M., Young S. E.,Corley, R. P., Mikulich,
S. K. and Crowley, T. J. (2001). Familial transmission of alcohol
dependence symptom counts in clinical and control family pedigrees.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 63 (Supplement 1), S151.
N., Stallings, M. C., Hofer, S. M. and Hewitt, J. K. (2001). Investigating
age differences in the genetic and environmental structure of the
Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in later adulthood. Behavior
Genetics, 31, 454-455.
M. C., Hewitt, J. K., Hofer, S. M., Heath, A. C. and Eaves, L. J.
(2000). Joint multivariate genetic analysis of the personality dimensions
from the TPQ, EPQ, and KSP. Behavior Genetics, 30, 419.
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in Preparation:
Haberstick et al., relational aggression paper
Haberstick et al., subjective effects paper
Zeiger, J. S., Haberstick, B. C., Corley, R. P., Ehringer, M. A., Crowley, T. J., Hewitt, J. K., Hopfer, C. J., Stallings, M. C., Young, S. E. and Rhee, S. (in preparation) Subjective effects of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana associated with cross-drug outcomes.
**Button, T. M. M., Haberstick, B.C., Rhea, S-A., Corley, R.P., Wadsworth, S.J., Hewitt, J.K., and Stallings, M.C. (in preparation). A genetic analysis of the longitudinal association between family conflict and externalizing behavior.
Stallings, M. C., Brown, S. A., Corley, R. P., Hewitt, J. K., Hopfer, C. J., Krauter, K. S., Lessem, J. M., McQueen, M., Mikulich, S. K., Rhee, S. H., Smolen, A., Tapert, S., Young, S. E. and Crowley, T. J. Linkage analysis of adolescent antisocial substance dependence: A replication study.
Stallings, M. C., Loehlin, J., Hofer, S. M., and Hewitt, J. K. The structure of temperament: A joint biometrical analysis of personality dimensions from the EPQ, TPQ, and KSP. To be submitted to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Stallings, M. C., Lessem, J. M., Cherny, S. S., and Hewitt, J. K. Analyzing psychiatric symptom count data through joint analyses of clinical and control families. To be submitted to Behavior Genetics.