papers   reviews   chapter in books
  1. Johnson, T. E., 1983 Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans, in Review of Biological Research in Aging, Volume 1. Rothstein, M.R. (Ed.), Alan R.Liss, NY, pp. 37-49.

  2. Johnson, T. E., 1984 Analysis of the biological basis of aging in the nematode, with special emphasis on Caenorhabditis elegans, in Invertebrate Models in Aging Research. Johnson, T.E. and Mitchell, D.H. (Eds.), CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 59-93.

  3. Johnson, T. E., 1985 Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: Update 1984, in Review of Biological Research in Aging, Volume 2. Rothstein, M.R. (Ed.), Alan R. Liss, NY, pp. 45-60.

  4. Johnson, T. E. and Simpson, V. J., 1985 Aging studies in Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes, in Handbook of Cell Biology of Aging. Cristofalo, V. (Ed.), CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 481-495.

  5. Johnson, T. E., 1987 Invertebrate Models, in Encyclopedia of Aging. Maddox, G. (Ed.), Springer Publishing Company, NY, pp. 367-368.

  6. Johnson TE, Friedman DB, Fitzpatrick PA, Conley WL. 1987 Mutant genes that extend life span. Basic Life Sci. 42:91-100.

  7. Johnson, T. E. and Foltz, N. L., 1987 Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: Update 1986, in Review of Biological Research in Aging, Volume 3. Rothstein, M.R. (Ed.), Alan R. Liss, NY, pp. 51-61.

  8. Johnson, T. E., 1988 Genetic specification of life span: Processes, problems and potentials. J. Gerontol. Bio. Sci., 43: B87-B92.

  9. Johnson, T. E. and Hutchinson, E. W., 1990 Aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: Update 1988, in Review of Biological Research in Aging, Volume 4. Rothstein, M.R. (Ed.), Alan R. Liss, NY, 4: 13-25.

  10. Johnson, T. E., 1990 Caenorhabditis elegans offers the potential for molecular dissection of the aging processes, in Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Third Edition. Schneider, E.L. and Rowe, J.W. (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 45-59.

  11. Johnson, T. E. and Nelson, G., 1991 Caenorhabditis elegans: A model system for space biology studies. Exp. Geront. 26: 299-309.

  12. Johnson, T. E. and Lithgow, G. J., 1992 The search for the genetic basis of aging: The identification of gerontogenes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Amer. Ger. Soc. 40: 936-945.

  13. Johnson, T. E., 1993 FRAR course on laboratory approaches to aging. Genetic influences on aging in mammals and invertebrates. Aging: Clin. Exper. Res. (Milano) 5: 299-307.

  14. Wood, W. B. and Johnson, T. E., 1994 Stopping the clock. Curr. Biol. 4: 151-153.

  15. Johnson, T. E., 1995 Mutations; Invertebrates; Nematodes, in Encyclopedia of Aging, Second Edition. Maddox, G. (Ed.), Springer Publishing Company, NY, pp. 524-525; 658-659; 673-674.

  16. Johnson, T. E., Lithgow, G. J., Murakami, S., Duhon, S. A. and Shook, D. R., 1996 Genetics of Aging and Longevity in Lower Organisms, in Cellular Aging and Cell Death. Holbrook, N., Martin, G. R. and Lockshin, R. A. (Eds.), John Wiley and Sons, NY, pp. 1-17.

  17. Johnson, T. E., Lithgow, G. J., Murakami, S. and Shook, D. R., 1996 Genetics, in Encyclopedia of Gerontology, Volume 1. Birren, J. E. (Ed.), Academic Press, FL, pp. 577-586.

  18. Simpson, V. J. and Johnson, T. E., 1996 Genetic models in the study of anesthetic drug action, in Int. Rev. Neurobio. 39: 223-241.

  19. Martin, G. M., Austad, S. N. and Johnson, T. E., 1996 Genetic analysis of aging: Role of oxidative damage and environmental stresses. Nat. Genetics 13: 25-34. 

  20. Johnson, T. E., 1997 Genetic influences on aging. Exp. Gerontol. 32: 11-22.

  21. Johnson, T. E. and Link, C. D. 1998 Analisi genetica della durata della vita e dell'invecchiamento, in Frontiere della Vita, Parte Seconda, pp. 535-552, Enciclopedia Italiana. Republished as Frontiers of Life, Academic Press.

  22. Warner, H. R. and Johnson, T. E., 1997 DNA alterations and aging: Is there a causal link? Nature Genetics, 17: 368-370.

  23. Johnson, T. E., 1998 Model for the Study of Aging: Nematodes, in Encyclopedia of Aging, Second Edition. Maddox, G. (Ed.), Springer Publishing Company, NY.

  24. Johnson, T. E., 1999 Aging research in the twenty-first century. (seiki no rouka kennkyuu). 54, 47.

  25. Johnson, T. E., Cypser, J., de Castro, E., de Castro, S., Henderson, S., Murakami, S., Rikke, B., Tedesco, P., and Link C., 2000 Gerontogenes mediate health and longevity in nematodes through increasing resistance to environmental toxins and stressors. Exp. Gerontol., 35:687-694. abstract

  26. Johnson, T. E., 2002 Roundworms: Caenorhabditis elegans. In Ekerdt, David J., Robert A. Applebaum, Karen C. Holden, Stephen G. Post, Kenneth Rockwood, Richard Schulz, Richard L. Sprott, and Peter Uhlenberg, (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Aging. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, in press.

  27. Murakami, S. and Johnson, T. E., Regulation of life span in model organisms. Current Genomics, in press.

  28. Johnson, T. E., 2001 A personal retrospective on the genetics of aging. Biogerontology, 3:7-12.

  29. Johnson, T. E., de Castro, E., de Castro, S. H. Cypser, J., Henderson, S. and Tedesco, P., 2001 Relationship between increased longevity and stress resistance as assessed through gerontogene mutations in Caenorabditis elegans (Mini Review). Exp. Gerontol., 36, 1609-1617. abstract

  30. Johnson, T. E., Life Span Extension. In Ekerdt, David J., Robert A. Applebaum, Karen C. Holden, Stephen G. Post, Kenneth Rockwood, Richard Schulz, Richard L. Sprott, and Peter Uhlenberg, (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Aging. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, in press.

  31. Johnson, T. E., de Castro, E., de Castro, S. H., Cypser, J. Henderson, S., Murakami, S., Rikke, B., Tedesco, P. and Link, C., Longevity genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans also mediate increased resistance to stress and prevent disease. J. Inherited Metabolic Disease, 25, 197-206

  32. 32. Johnson T. E. 2003 Advantages and disadvantages of Caenorhabditis elegans for aging research. Exper. Gerontol., 38: 1329-1332.

  33. Johnson T.E. 2004 There is some truth to the fountain of youth, (but it may be a while until we can drink). Public Policy & Aging Report, 14 (2): 19-23.

  34. Rikke, B. A. and Johnson, T. E. 2004 Lower body temperature as a potential mechanism of life extension in homeotherms. (An invited chapter in a tribute issue to Roy Walford.) Exp. Gerontol., 39:927-930.

  35. Abiola, O. and others, including Johnson T. E. 2003 Complex Trait Consortium. The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community's view. Nat. Rev. Genet., 4:911-916.
    Churchill, G. A. et al (The Complex Trait Consortium, including T. E. Johnson) (2004) The Collaborative Cross. A community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nat. Genet. 36:1133-1137

  36. Churchill, G. A. et al (The Complex Trait Consortium, including T. E. Johnson) (2004) The Collaborative Cross. A community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nat. Genet. 36:1133-1137. .

  37. Johnson T.E. 2005 "Genes, phenes, and dreams of immortality: the 2003 Kleemeier Award lecture.: J. Gerontol.: A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci., 60:680-687

  38. Johnson, T. E., 2005 Life Extension, in Encyclopedia of Aging, Third Edition. Maddox, G. (Ed.), Springer Publishing Company, NY.

  39. Houthoofd, K., Johnson, T. E., and Vanfleteren, J. R. Dietary restriction in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Gerontol: Biol. Sci, 60A:1125-1131.

  40. Sikela, J. M, Maclaren, E. J, Kim, Y., Karimpour-Fard, A., Cai, W. W., Pollack, J., Hitzemann, R., Belknap, J., McWeeney, S., Kerns, R. T., Downing, C., Johnson, T. E., Grant, K. J., Tabakoff, B., Hoffman, P., Wu, C. C., and Miles, M. F. 2005 DNA microarray and proteomic strategies for understanding alcohol action. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 30:700-708. Duplicate.

  41. Christensen, K., Johnson, T. E., and Vaupel, J. W., 2006 The quest for genetic determinants of human longevity: challenges and insights. Nat. Rev. Genet., 7:436-448.

  42. Bennett, B., Downing, C., Parker, C., Johnson, T.E., 2006 Mouse Genetic Models in Alcohol Research. Trends Genetics, 22:367-374.

  43. Johnson, T.E., 2006 Recent results: Biomarkers of aging. Exp. Gerontol., 41:1243-1246.

  44. Cypser, J.R., Tedesco, P., and Johnson, T.E., 2006 Hormesis and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Exp. Gerontol., 41:935-939.

  45. Houthoofd, K., Gems, D., Johnson, T.E., and Vanfleteren, J.R., 2007 Dietary restriction in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Interdiscip. Top. Gerontol., 35:98-114.

  46. Calabrese, E.J., Bachmann, K.A., Bailer, A.J., Bolger, P.M., Borak, J., Cai, L., Cedergreen, N., Cherian, M.G., Chiueh, C.C., Clarkson, T.W., Cook, R.R., Diamond, D.M., Doolittle, D.J., Dorato, M.A., Duke, S.O., Feinendegen, L., Gardner, D.E., Hart, R.W., Hastings, K.L., Hayes, A.W., Hoffmann, G.R., Ives, J.A., Jaworowski, Z., Johnson, T.E., Jonas, W.B., Kaminski, N.E., Keller, J.G., Klaunig, J.E., Knudsen, T.B., Kozumbo, W.J., Lettieri, T., Liu, S.Z., Maisseu, A., Maynard, K.I., Masoro, E.J., McClellan, R.O., Mehendale, H.M., Mothersill, C., Newlin, D.B., Nigg, H.N., Oehme, F.W., Phalen, R.F., Philbert, M.A., Rattan, S.I., Riviere, J.E., Rodricks, J., Sapolsky, R.M., Scott, B.R., Seymour, C., Sinclair, D.A., Smith-Sonneborn, J., Snow, E.T., Spear, L., Stevenson, D.E., Thomas, Y., Tubiana, M., Williams, G.M., Mattson, M.P. 2007 Biological stress response terminology: Integrating the concepts of adaptive response and preconditioning stress within a hormetic dose-response framework. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., J222:122-128.

  47. Johnson, T.E., 2008 Caenorhabditis elegans 2007 The premier model for the study of aging. Exp. Gerontol., 43:1-4.

    47a. Tissenbaum, H.A. and Johnson, T.E. 2008 Aging Processes in Caenorhabditis elegans, in Molecular Biology of Aging. Guarente, L., Partridge, L., & Wallace, D., (Eds) Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., pp 153-183

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