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#NGroups 3
Calculate genetic and environmental variance componentsA new title must be given at the start of each group.
Calculation NGroups=3where
is the number of groups. This parameter is
specified for the first group only. Calculation groups allow the
specification of matrix operations in an algebra section which can
greatly simplify the structure of the script. Here, we
use the calculation group to specify the free and fixed parameters
in the model, Begin Matrices; X Lower 1 1 Free Y Lower 1 1 Fixed Z Lower 1 1 Free W Lower 1 1 Free H Full 1 1 Q Full 1 1 End Matrices;The matrices declaration section begins with a
Begin Matrices;
line and ends with a End Matrices;
line. Up to 26
matrices can be declared, each starting on a new line. Matrix names
are restricted to one letter, from A to Z. The name is followed by
the matrix type (see Mx manual for details on available matrix
types), the number of rows and the number of colums. All matrix
elements are fixed by default. If the keyword Free
each modifiable element has a free parameter specified to be
estimated. In this example, four 1 X
, Z
and W
represent free
parameters a, e and d, respectively. The parameter
c in matrix Y
is fixed to zero (the word Fixed
appears only for clarification). Two additional matrices, H
and Q
, are declared for fixed scalars to be used in the model
Label Row X add_gen Label Row Y comm_env Label Row Z spec_env Label Row W dom_gen Matrix H .5 Matrix Q .25 Start .6 AllLabels can be given for the row or column (or both) of any matrix. Values can be assigned to matrix elements using the
command. If the matrix element is modifiable, the
assigned value will be the starting value. The Start
here is used to assign the same starting value to All
free parameters in the model.
In genetic problems, we must assign starting values to parameters. In
the present case, the only parameters to be estimated are a, d
and e. In choosing starting values for twin data, a useful rule
of thumb is to assume that the total variance is divided equally
between the parameters that are to be estimated. In this case the
predicted total variance is
Begin Algebra; A= X*X'; C= Y*Y'; E= Z*Z'; D= W*W'; End Algebra;The algebra section begins with a
Begin Algebra;
and ends with a End Algebra;
statement. Each algebra
operation starts on a new line and ends with a semi-colon (it may
run over several lines so a ; is essential to mark the end of a
formula). The matrix on the left side of the =
sign is newly
defined as the result of the matrix operation on the right side of
the =
sign. Matrices on the right have to be declared in the
matrices declaration section or defined in a previous algebra
statement. In this example the quantities A
, C
, E
and D
, respectively.
Data NInput_vars=2 NObservations=534 Labels bmi_t1 bmi_t2 CMatrix Symmetric File=ozbmimzf.covwhere:
is number of input variables, i.e., NObservations
is number of observations or sample size, i.e.,
number of pairs used to compute the data matrix in this group.
). This is very useful for
clarification of the Mx output.
Mx will read a covariance matrix (CMatrix
), a
correlation matrix (KMatrix
), or a matrix of polychoric and
polyserial correlations (PMatrix
). The matrix may be read as a
lower triangle in free format (the default, the keyword
is optional), or as a full matrix if the keyword
is specified. It will also read means (Means
) when
these are needed. Summary statistics can be read from within the Mx
script, for example,
CMatrix Symmetric 0.7247 0.5891 0.7915Alternatively, the data matrices can be read from separate files, e.g.,
CMatrix Symmetric File=ozbmimzf.covThe lines referring to the actual data,
, Labels
can be saved in a dat
file (e.g. ozbmimzf.dat
which can then be included in the Mx script with the following statement:
#include ozbmimzf.dat
Matrices= Group 1The
= Group 1
command includes all the declared and
defined matrices from the group 1 into the current group.
Covariances A+C+D+E | A+C+D_ A+C+D | A+C+D+E;The expected covariance matrix is specified using a matrix formulation with the expected variances for twin 1 and twin 2 on the diagonal and the expected covariance between twins, in this case for MZ's, as the off-diagonal element. The expectation for the variance,
; that
for the MZ covariance, A+C+D
. The
resulting four 1 |
and the vertical bar _
operators to
form the 2 Option RSidualsVarious options for statistical output and optimization can be specified. Usually, the choice of estimation procedure will be either maximum likelihood if covariance matrices are being analyzed, or weighted least squares if matrices of polychoric, polyserial, or product-moment correlations are being analyzed. The
option is very useful as it results in the printing of the observed,
expected and residual matrices in the output.
, is used to
premultiply the matrix A
by the scalar .5 and the matrix
by the scalar .25. The specification extends easily to the
multivariate case (see Section ?).