Next: About this document ...
Up: Methodology for Genetic Studies
Previous: Bibliography
- ACE model
- 1
| 1
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 1
| 1
- ACE@ model
- 6
- additive genetic
- covariance@ matrix
- 1
- deviations
- 1
- value
- 1
- variance
- 2
| 2
- additive@ genetic
- variance
- 6
- ADE model
- 1
| 6
| 1
| 1
- AE model
- 6
| 4
| 1
- AE@ model
- 1
- age effects
- 4
- age-correction
- 4
- age-correction model
- 4
- see Akaike Information
- Akaike Information
@ Criterion
- 2
- Akaike Information
- 2
- alcohol
- 3
- allele
- 1
- American Association of Retired
Persons twin@ registries
- 4
- ascertainment
- 5
- assortative mating
- 3
| 1
| 4
- asymptotically distribution free
- methods
- 5
- atopic symptoms
- 5
- Australian@ NH&MRC twin register
- 2
- basic genetic model
- 1
- BETA matrix
- 1
- between-family environment
- see
shared environment
- binary data
- see ordinal data
- biometric factors model
- see @
independent pathway model
- biometric model
- 2
- biometrical genetical approach
- 3
| 5
- biometrical genetics
- 4
| 3
- biserial correlation
- 4
- bivariate genetic model
- 4
- bivariate normal distribution
- 2
- see body mass index
- body mass index
- 2
| 4
- Boker, Steven M
- 4
| 2
- Boomsma, Dorret I
- 5
- breeding experiments
- 2
- broad heritability
- 1
- Browne, Michael W
- 5
- Cardon, Lon R
- 2
- Carey, Gregory
- 2
| 1
| 2
- Carey,@ Gregory
- 1
- Cattell, Raymond
- 1
- causal closure
- 3
- Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi
- 2
| 4
- see Child Behavior Checklist
- CE model
- 6
| 6
- CE@ model
- 1
- centrality parameter
- 4
- Child Behavior Checklist
- 5
- cholesky decomposition
- 2
| 3
- cholesky factorization
- 2
- classical twin study
- 6
| 4
- classical twin@ study
- 1
- Cloninger, Robert C
- 4
| 5
- coefficient
- correlation
- 1
| 2
- path
- 1
| 2
- regression
- 1
- common effects
sex-limitation model
- 1
- common effects G
interaction model
- 2
- common environment
- see
shared environment
- common pathway model
- 2
| 2
- competition effects
- 2
| 2
- competition@ effects
- 3
- contingency table
- 2
- contingency@ table
- 3
- continuous data
- 1
| 2
| 2
- contrast effects
- see
competition effects
- cooperation effects
- 2
| 3
| 2
- correlated variable
- assortment
- 1
- transmission
- 2
- correlation
- 2
- coefficient
- 1
- biserial
- 4
- polychoric
- 4
- polyserial
- 4
- product moment
- 4
- tetrachoric
- 4
- covariance
- 1
| 2
- structure
- 1
- structure analysis
- 2
- covariance matrix
- expected
- 4
- observed
- 4
- covariation
- 1
| 4
| 1
- cross-lagged panel design
- 2
- data matrix
- 2
- degrees of freedom
- 2
| 1
- Delusions-Symptoms States@
- 2
- dependent variables
- 3
- dependent@ variables
- 2
- depression
- 2
- developmental change and continuity
- 3
- deviation phenotypes
- 7
| 2
- direction of causation
- 2
- disturbance terms
- see
error variances
- dizygotic twins
- 2
| 6
- reared apart
- 2
- reared together
- 6
- dizygotic@ twins
- reared apart
- 6
- reared together
- 1
| 2
- dominance
- 1
- deviations
- 1
| 1
- variance
- 2
| 2
| 6
- double-headed arrow
- 2
- DZ
- see dizygotic twins
- E model
- 6
| 1
- Eaves, Lindon
- 1
| 1
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 8
| 9
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 4
| 3
- endogenous@ variables
- see
dependent variables
- environmental correlation
- 1
- environmental effects
- between families
- 2
- within families
- 2
- environmental exposure
- 3
- concordant for exposure
- 3
- concordant@ for non-exposure
- 3
- environmental@ exposure
- discordant for exposure
- 3
- epidemiological approach
- 3
- epistasis
- 1
| 4
| 6
- equal environments assumption
- 1
- equality of means
- 7
- error variances
- 2
- exogenous variable
- see @
independent variables
- expected covariance
- 4
| 1
| 2
- expected twin covariances
- 1
| 1
- equal gene frequencies
- 1
- numerical illustration
- 2
- unequal gene frequencies
- 2
- expected twin@ covariances
- 6
- expected variance
- 4
| 1
| 2
- expected@ covariance
- 1
- factor analysis
- 5
- correlations
- 2
- error variances
- 2
- loadings
- 2
| 2
- pattern
- 1
- scores
- 2
- factor-analytic approach
- 5
- factor@ analysis
- structure
- 1
- Falconer, D S
- 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
- family environment
- see
shared environment
- feedback loop
- 5
- feedback@ loop
- 2
- Feldman, Marcus
- 4
- Feldman,@ Marcus
- 2
- Fisher, Ronald
- 1
| 3
- Fisher, Ronald A
- 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 5
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 2
| 4
- FORTRAN format
- 3
- Fulker, David W
- 3
| 5
| 5
| 5
| 5
| 4
| 2
| 5
| 5
| 2
- Galton, Francis
- 2
- gamete
- 2
- gametic crosses
- 2
- gene
- 1
- gene frequencies
- 2
| 2
- general G
E interaction model
- 1
- general sex-limitation@ model
- 1
- genetic cholesky model
- 2
- genetic correlation
- 1
- genetic effects
- additive
- 1
- non-additive
- 1
- genetic environment
- 2
- genetic factor model
- multiple
- 4
- environmental correlations
- 1
- genetic correlations
- 1
- simple
- 3
- second common factor
- 4
- single common factor
- 3
- genotype
- 1
- genotype
environment interaction
- 1
- genotype
environment interaction model
- 3
- genotype
environment interaction model
- general
- 1
- genotype
environment interaction model
- common effects
- 2
- genotype
environment interaction model
- scalar effects
- 3
- genotype
environment@ interaction
- 3
- genotype
environment interaction
- 3
- genotype
environment interaction
- scalar
- 3
- genotype
environment interaction
- non-scalar
- 3
- genotype
environment@ interaction
- 1
- genotype
@ age-cohort
- 2
- genotype-environment
- autocorrelation
- 2
- correlation
- 3
| 2
| 1
- covariance
- 3
- genotype-environment effects
- assortative mating
- 1
- correlated variable
- assortment
- 1
- transmission
- 2
- G
E interaction
- 3
- genotype-environment
- autocorrelation
- 2
- correlation
- 2
- latent variable assortment
- 1
- phenotypic assortment
- 1
- sibling effects
- 2
- social homogamy
- 1
- stabilizing selection
- 2
- genotypic
- effects
- 1
| 2
- mean
- 2
| 2
- variance
- 2
| 2
- frequencies
- 2
| 2
- values
- 1
| 2
- Heath, Andrew C
- 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 5
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 3
- heritability
- broad
- 6
- narrow
- 6
- heterogeneity
- of means
- 7
- of variances
- 8
- of@ means
- 8
- heteroscedasticity
- 2
- heterozygote
- 1
| 1
- Hewitt, John K
- 4
| 1
| 5
| 5
| 5
- homozygote
- 1
| 1
- hypothesis testing
- 5
- identification
- 7
- combined parameters
- 7
- model
- 7
- numerical approach
- 7
- parameter
- 7
- imitation effects
- see
cooperation effects
- 2
- inbreeding
- 1
- independent pathway model
- 1
- independent variables
- 3
- independent@ variables
- 2
- Jinks, John L
- 3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 6
| 5
| 1
| 2
- Jinks, John@ L
- 1
- Jöreskog, Karl G
- 5
| 5
| 5
| 5
- Kendler, Kenneth S
- 2
| 1
| 3
| 3
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
- latent variable assortment
- 1
- latent variables
- 2
| 6
- law of independent assortment
- 2
- law of segregation
- 2
- liability
- see multivariate normal,
liability distribution
- likelihood
- 5
- likelihood ratio test
- 6
| 4
- linear regression
- 5
- direct effect
- 5
- indirect@ effects
- 5
- linear structural model
- 1
- linear structural@ model
- 1
- linear@ regression
- cause
- 5
- common cause
- 5
- linearity
- 3
- linkage analysis
- 1
- 5
- 5
- locus
- 1
- major depressive disorder
- 1
- manifest@ variables
- see
observed variables
- marital status
- 2
- Martin, Nicholas G
- 5
| 5
| 2
| 5
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 1
| 3
| 3
- Martin,@ Nicholas G
- 5
- Mather, Kenneth
- 3
| 1
| 3
| 4
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 2
| 1
| 2
- Mather,@ Kenneth
- 6
- matrix
- addition
- 1
- cofactor
- 2
- correlation
- 1
- covariance
- 1
- data
- 2
| 1
- definiteness
- negative
- 2
- positive
- 2
- determinant
- 2
- diagonal
- 2
- dimensions
- 2
- identity
- 2
- inner product
- 2
- inverse
- 4
| 7
- multiplication
- 2
- null
- 2
- order
- 2
- scalar
- 2
- singular
- 2
- square
- 2
- subtraction
- 1
- trace
- 3
- transformation
- 2
- transpose
- 1
- unit
- 2
- vector
- 2
- matrix algebra
- 4
- applications
- 5
- equations
- 4
- operations
- 3
- binary
- 1
- unary
- 2
- Maximum Likelihood
- 5
- McArdle, J Jack
- 5
| 2
| 1
| 2
| 2
- McArdle, J@ Jack
- 4
- mean
- 4
| 1
- mean squares
- 2
- measured variables
- see @
observed variables
- measurement error
- 1
- measurement@ error
- 8
- Medical College of Virginia
Twin Study
- 3
- Mendel, Gregor
- 2
| 2
- Mendelian@ genetics
- 1
- model building
- 3
- model fitting
- 3
- Molenaar, Peter C
- 5
- monozygotic twins
- 2
| 6
- reared apart
- 6
- reared together
- 6
- reared@ together
- 1
- monozygotic@ twins
- reared apart
- 2
- reared together
- 2
- Morton, Newton E
- 4
| 5
- multiple genetic factor model
- 4
- multiple indicators
- 1
- multiple rating data
- 1
- multiple@ indicators
- 8
- multivariate genetic analysis
- 5
| 10
- multivariate genetic factor model
- 1
- common pathway model
- 5
- genetic cholesky model
- 2
- independent pathway model
- 5
- multivariate genetic model
- 2
| 2
| 3
- multivariate normal
- liability distribution
- bivariate
- 2
- univariate
- 1
- Muthén,@ Bengt O
- 3
| 5
- Mx
- 2
| 3
| 5
| 5
| 5
| 2
- Mx output
- 4
- goodness-of-fit@ statistics
- 4
- parameter estimates
- 4
- parameter specifications
- 4
- standardized parameter estimates
- 4
- Mx script
- 3
- algebra section
- 3
- calculation group
- 3
- data section
- 3
- matrices declaration
- 3
- model specification
- 3
- title
- 3
- mx scripts
- options
- 3
- MZ
- see monozygotic twins
- 2
- Nance, Walter E
- 2
- Neale, Michael C
- 5
| 1
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 8
| 9
| 3
| 1
| 1
| 4
| 1
| 5
| 5
| 2
| 2
| 2
| 1
| 6
- Neale,@ Michael C
- 2
- non-central chi-squared@ distribution
- 4
- non-scalar
- G
E interaction
- 3
- sex-limitation
- 1
- normal distribution assumption
- 3
- observed statistics
- 2
- observed variables
- 2
- observer ratings
- 11
- paternal
- 1
- observer@ ratings
- maternal
- 1
- one-way arrow
- see @
single-headed arrow
- ordinal data
- 1
| 3
- liability
- 1
- thresholds
- 1
- parameter estimation
- 5
- parameters
- 2
- parsimony
- 1
- path analysis
- 4
| 1
- assumptions
- 3
- causal closure
- 3
- conventions
- 2
- tracing rules
- 4
- standardized variables
- 1
| 1
- unstandardized variables
- 2
| 2
- path coefficients model
- 1
| 1
| 3
- path coeffients
- 2
- path diagram
- 1
| 4
| 5
| 6
- dependent variables
- 2
- independent variables
- 2
- latent variables
- 2
- observed@ variables
- 2
- paths
- 2
- causal
- 1
- correlational
- 1
- single-headed@ arrow
- 2
- path-analytic approach
- 5
- path@ analysis
- assumptions
- linearity
- 3
- unitary variables
- 3
- path@ coefficients model
- 6
- path@ diagram
- double-headed arrow
- 2
- Pearson, Karl
- 3
- Pearson,@ Karl
- 2
- phenotype
- 1
- phenotypic factor model
- 2
- confirmatory factor model
- 1
- exploratory factor model
- 1
- pleiotropy
- 1
| 1
| 1
- polychoric correlation
- 4
| 5
- polygenic model
- 3
- polygenic system
- 1
- polyserial correlation
- 4
| 5
- power
- 7
- contributing factors
- 2
- power analysis
- 3
- continuous data
- 4
- ordinal data
- 5
- power calculation
- 3
- 1
| 3
| 5
| 5
- primary phenotypic assortment
- 1
- product moment correlation
- 4
- psychometric factors model
- see
common pathway model
- psychometric model
- 2
- Punnett square
- 2
- Punnett, Reginald
- 2
- quantitative genetics
- 3
- 4
- random environment
- 2
- random environmental
- variance
- 6
- random mating
- 2
| 1
- random@ environmental
- covariance matrix
- 1
- deviations
- 1
- Rao, D C
- 1
- Rao, DC
- 5
- rater bias
- 2
- parental
- 2
- rater bias model
- 1
- rating data model
- biometric
- 3
- psychometric
- 2
- rater bias
- 1
- raw data
- 1
- recursive model
- 1
| 1
- regression models
- 5
- Reich, Ted
- 4
- residual variables
- 2
- Rice, John
- 4
- sample size
- 7
- 1
| 1
| 2
- scalar
- G
E interaction
- 3
- sex-limitation
- 1
- scalar effects
sex-limitation model
- 2
- scalar effects G
interaction model
- 3
- segregation@ analysis
- 1
- sex-limitation
- 1
| 1
- non-scalar
- 1
- scalar
- 1
- sex-limitation model
- 2
- common effects
- 1
- general
- 1
- scalar effects
- 2
- shared environment
- 2
- shared environmental
- deviations
- 1
- shared@ environmental
- variance
- 6
- sibling effects
- 2
- competition
- 2
| 3
- cooperation
- 2
- sibling interaction
- 1
- sibling interaction model
- 3
- sibling shared environment
- 2
- sibling@ effects
- competition
- 2
- cooperation
- 3
| 2
- sibling@ interaction
- 1
- significance test
- 6
| 2
- significance@ test
- 3
- simple genetic factor model
- 3
- simple genetic model
- 6
- single-headed arrow
- 2
- singleton twins
- 8
- singleton@ twins
- concordant-participant pairs
- 8
- discordant-participant twins
- 8
- skinfold measures
- 3
- social homogamy
- 1
- social interaction
- 1
| 1
- Sörbom, Dag
- 5
| 5
- Spearman, Charles
- 1
| 3
- special MZ twin environment
- 2
- special twin environment
- 2
- specific environment
- see
random environment
- specific variances
- see @
error variances
- 1
- stabilizing selection
- 2
- standard deviation
- 1
- standardized variables
- 1
- structural equations
- 1
- sufficient statistic
- 1
- summary statistics
- 1
- correlation coefficient
- 1
- covariance
- 1
- mean
- 1
- mean squares
- 2
- standard deviation
- 1
- variance
- 1
- weight matrix
- 5
- tetrachoric correlation
- 4
| 5
- threshold
- 1
- Thurstone, LL
- 5
- tracing rules
- 4
- transformation
- 2
- triangular decomposition
- see
cholesky decomposition
- twin design
- 1
| 6
| 1
- twin pairs
- dizygotic
- 2
| 2
- like-sex
- 1
- opposite-sex
- 2
| 1
| 1
- female
- 1
- male
- 1
- monozygotic
- 2
| 2
- like-sex
- 1
- twin@ design
- 1
- two-way arrow
- see
double-headed@ arrow
- type II error
- 3
- ultimate@ variables
- see
independent variables
- unique environment
- see
random environment
- unique variances
- see
error variances
- unitary variables
- 3
- univariate genetic analysis
- 6
- univariate genetic@ model
- 1
- univariate normal distribution
- 1
- unmeasured@ variables
- see
latent variables
- unreliability
- 2
| 1
- unstandardized variables
- 2
- variables
- continuous
- 4
- dichotomous
- 4
- polychotomous
- 4
- standardized
- 1
- unstandardized
- 2
- variance
- 1
| 2
- variance components model
- 6
| 2
| 5
- variance components@ model
- 1
- variation
- 2
| 1
| 6
| 4
| 1
- vertical cultural transmission
- see
cultural transmission
- Vogler, G.P
- 1
- weight matrix
- 5
- within-family environment
- see
random environment
- Wright, Sewall
- 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 4
| 4
| 1
| 3
| 3
| 4
| 1
| 1
- Yee, S
- 5
- zygosity diagnosis
- 1
Jeff Lessem