
M.A. Ehringer, H.V. Clegg, A.C. Collins, R.P. Corley, T.J. Crowley, J.K. Hewitt, C.J. Hopfer, K. Krauter, J. Lessem, S.H. Rhee, I. Schlaepfer, A. Smolen, M.C. Stallings, S.E. Young, J.S. Zeiger. Association of the Neuronal Nicotinic Receptor βSubunit Gene (CHRNB2) with Subjective Responses to Alcohol and Nicotine. submitted to Neuropsychiatric Genetics.

C.J. Hopfer, S.E. Young, S. Purcell, T.J. Crowley, M.C. Stallings, R.P. Corley, S.H. Rhee, A. Smolen, K. Krauter, J.K. Hewitt, M.A. Ehringer. Cannabis Receptor Haplotype Protective Against Developing Cannabis Dependence Symptoms In Adolescents. Neuropsychiatric Genetics, accepted with minor revisions.

J.M. Lessem, C.J. Hopfer, B. Haberstick, D. Timberlake, M.A. Ehringer, A. Smolen, and J.K. Hewitt. Relation between adolescent marijuana use and young adult illicit drug use. Behavior Genetics, in press.

D.S. Timberlake, S.H. Rhee, B.C. Haberstick, C. Hopfer, M. Ehringer, J. Lessem, A. Smolen, and J.K. Hewitt. 2005 The moderating effects of religiosity on the genetic and environmental determinants of smoking initiation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, in press.

M.A. Ehringer, S.H. Rhee, S. Young, R. Corley, and J.K. Hewitt. 2005 Genetic and environmental contributions to common psychopathologies of childhood and adolescence: a study of twins and their siblings. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, in press.

D.S. Timberlake, B.C. Haberstick, J.M. Lessem, C. Hopfer, A. Smolen, M. Ehringer, and J.K. Hewitt. 2005 Association between the DAT1 9-Repeat Allele and Reduced Smoking in Young Adults from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Health Psychology, in press.

B.C. Haberstick, J.M. Lessem, C.J. Hopfer, A. Smolen, M.A. Ehringer, D. Timberlake, and J.K. Hewitt. 2005 MAOA Genotype and Antisocial Behaviors in the Presence of Childhood and Adolescent Maltreatment. Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 135(1): 59-64.

C.J. Hopfer, D. Timberlake, B. Haberstick, J.M. Lessem, M.A. Ehringer, A. Smolen, and J.K. Hewitt. 2005 Genetic Influences on Quantity of Alcohol Consumed by Adolescents and Young Adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 78:187-193.

M. Saito, M.A. Ehringer, R. Toth, M. Oros, I. Szakall, J.M. Sikela, C. Vadasz. 2003 Variants of κ opioid receptor gene and mRNA in alcohol-preferring and -avoiding mice. Alcohol 29: 39-49.

M.A. Ehringer and J.M. Sikela. 2002 Genomic Approaches to the Genetics of Alcoholism. Alcohol Research and Health, 26(3): 181-192.

M.A. Ehringer, J. Thompson, O. Conroy, F. Yang, R. Hink, M. Beeson, L. Gordon, B. Bennett, T.E. Johnson, J.M. Sikela. 2002 Fine-Mapping of Polymorphic Alcohol-Related QTL Candidate Genes using Interval-Specific Congenic Recombinants. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 26(11): 1603-1608.

M.A. Ehringer, J. Thompson, O. Conroy, D. Goldman, T.L. Smith, M.A. Schuckit, and J.M. Sikela 2002 Human alcoholism studies of genes identified through mouse QTL analysis. Addiction Biology 7(4): 365-371.

S.L. Kirstein, K.L. Davidson, M.A. Ehringer, and B. Tabakoff. 2002 Quantitative trait loci affecting initial sensitivity and acute functional tolerance to ethanol-induced ataxia and brain cAMP signaling in BXD RI mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 302(3): 1238-1245.

M.A. Ehringer, J. Thompson, O. Conroy, Y. Xu, F. Yang, J. Canniff, M. Beeson, L. Gordon, B. Bennett, T.E. Johnson, and J.M. Sikela. 2001 High-Throughput Sequence Identification of Gene Coding Variants within Alcohol-Related QTLs. Mammalian Genome 12:657-663.

Xu, Y., M. Ehringer, F. Yang, and J.M. Sikela. 2001 Comparison of Global Brain Gene Expression Profiles between ILS and ISS Mice by High Density Gene Array Hybridization. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 25: 810-818.

Takacs, C.D., M. Ehringer, R. Favre, M. Cermola, G. Eggertsson, A. Palsdottir, and A. Reysenbach. 2001 Phylogenetic Characterization of the Blue Filamentous Bacterial Community from an Icelandic Geothermal Spring. FEMS Microbial Ecology 35: 123-128.

Frank, D.N, C. Adamidi, M.A. Ehringer, C. Pitulle, and N.R. Pace. 2000 Phylogenetic-comparative analysis of the eukaryal ribonuclease P RNA. RNA 12: 1895-1904.

Reysenbach, A-L, M. Ehringer, and K. Hershberger. 2000 Microbial diversity at 83°C in Calcite Springs, Yellowstone National Park: another environment where the Aquificales and “Korarchaeota” coexist. Extremophiles 4: 61-67.

Rajan, J., K. Valli, R.E. Perkins, S. Sariaslani, S.M. Barns, A-L Reysenbach, S. Rehm, M. Ehringer, and N. Pace. 1996 Mineralization of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid): characterization and phylogenetic identification of microbial strains. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 16: 319-324.

Published Abstracts

Bowers, B.J., Davis, H., & Ehringer, M.A. (2005) C57 Female mice drink less alcohol when given access to a running wheel. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 29(5): 556.

Haberstick, B.C., Timberlake, D.S., Lessem, J.M., Hopfer, C., Smolen, A., Ehringer, M., & Hewitt, J.K., (2004). Genetic and candidate gene analysis of nicotine dependence in the add health sample. Behavior Genetics, 34, 643.

Hopfer, C., Timberlake, D., Haberstick, B., Lessem, J., Ehringer, M., Smolen, A., & Hewitt, J. (2004). Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults. Behavior Genetics, 34, 645.

Timberlake, D.S., Haberstick, B.C., Lessem, J.M., Hopfer, C., Smolen, A., Ehringer, M., & Hewitt, J.K., (2004). Heritability of smoking behavior and associations with dopaminergic polymorphisms in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Behavior Genetics, 34, 661-662.

Ehringer, M.A., Hopfer, C., Purcell, S.,Young, S., Corley, R., Stallings, M., Rhee, S.H., Smolen, A., Krauter, K., Crowley, T., and Hewitt, J.K. 2004 Haplotype analysis of SNPs in the CNR1 gene and association with progression in Marijuana Use AJHG Abstract Book #2252, p. 409.

Ehringer, M.A., Young, S., Corley, R., Stallings, M., Collins, A.C., Hewitt, J.K. 2003 Investigation of the CHRNA4 gene for a possible role in tobacco use and addiction.
AJHG 73(5): 523.

Ehringer, M.A., M.C. Stallings, S.E. Young, J.K. Hewitt, and T.J. Crowley. 2002 Family Transmission of Tobacco Use and Dependence.

Ehringer, M.A., J. Thompson, O. Conroy, T.L. Smith, D. Goldman, M. Schuckit, J.M..Sikela. 2001 Human Alcoholism Studies of Genes Identified through Mouse QTL Analysis. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 25: 68A.

E.M. Maclaren, M. Ehringer, A. Kaiser, F. Yang, B. Soriano, B. Bennett, T.E. Johnson, and J.M. Sikela. Genomic Approaches to the Identification of Gene Coding Region Differences in QTL Candidate Genes for Alcohol Sensitivity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 25: 117A.

M.A. Ehringer, J. Thompson, O. Conroy, Y. Xu, F. Yang, J. Canniff, M. Beeson, L. Gordon, B. Bennett, D. Goldman, M. Schuckit, T.E. Johnson, J.M. Sikela. 2000 Progress toward Gene Identification for Alcohol-Related Phenotypes. AJHG 67:329, 1828A.

Ehringer, M., J. Thompson, O. Conroy, Y. Xu, F. Yang, J. Canniff, M. Beeson, L. Gordon, B. Bennett, T.E. Johnson, and J.M. Sikela. 2000 High-Throughput Sequencing of Candidate Genes for Alcohol-Related QTLs. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 24: 98A.

Xu. Y., M. Ehringer, F. Yang, and J.M.. Sikela. 2000 A Global Comparison of Brain Gene Expression Patterns between ILS/ISS Mice. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 24: 99A.

Ehringer, M., J. Thompson, Y. Xu, F. Yang, M. Beeson, L. Gordon, B. Bennett, T.E. Johnson, and J.M. Sikela. 1999 High-Throughput Sequencing of Candidate Genes for Alcohol-Related QTLs. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 23: 105A.

Xu. Y, M. Ehringer, and J.M. Sikela. 1999 Comparison of Gene Expression Profiles between ILS and ISS Mice by Gene Array Hybridization. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 23: 106A.

Ehringer, M.A., D.N. Frank, and N.R. Pace. 1996 A Phylogenetic Approach to Refinement of Eucaryl RNase P RNA Secondary Structure. RNA Society Meeting.

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