Instructor, Pharmacogenetics lectures for Pharm 525 (Medical Students),
Pharm 611 (Graduate Students) and Pharm 660 (PharmD Students).
Research Associate, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of
Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Allan C. Collins Laboratory
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Alcohol Research Center and Institute for Behavioral
Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Allan C. Collins Laboratory
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD. Thesis advisor: Dr. Ru Chih C. Huang.
Teaching Assistant, Developmental Biology Laboratory, The Johns
Hopkins University.
Head Teaching Assistant/Laboratory Manager, Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory,
The Johns Hopkins University.
Research Assistant, Dr. Allan C. Collins laboratory, Institute for Behavioral
Genetics, The University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Laboratory Assistant, undergraduate cell and developmental biology Laboratory
courses, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology,
The University of Colorado. Supervisor: Dr. Sandra L. Biroc
Research Scholar Award. The American Cancer Society.
Post-Doctoral Fellow. University of Colorado Alcohol Research Center,
Boulder, CO
NIH MCDN-5 (01) Ad Hoc Reviewer (December)
2000-2003 Member, University of Michigan Department
of Pharmacology Advisory Committee.
1999-2003 Member, Operating Committee. University of
Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center.
1999- Ad hoc reviewer, multiple journals
2002- Invited participant: NIAAA Workshop, Alcohol
and Tobacco: Mechanisms and Treatment (Project # AAAW060-1554 (9H))
2001- Consultant for Program Project Grant Proposal
entitled “Biometric and Measured Genetic Research on Smoking”,
O.F. Pomerleau, P.I. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2000- Ad Hoc consultant for NIDA R01Grant entitled
“Genetics of vulnerability to nicotine addiction”, Pamela
Madden, P.I., Washington University, St. Louis. MO
Society for
International Mammalian Genome Society
International Behavioral and Neural Genetics Society
Project title:
Identification of Functional nAChR Variants in Mice
Agency: NIH (NIDA)
Principal Investigator: Jerry A. Stitzel
Period of Support: 7/01/01-3/31/05
Percent Effort: 40%
Amount: $700,000 (Total Direct Costs)
In this proposal, we will screen a large set of inbred mouse strains
for amino acid-altering polymorphisms in several nAChR subunit genes.
All identified variants will be assessed for pharmacological and functional
properties using electrophysiological techniques.
Project Title:
Genetic Analysis of Nicotine Preference in Mice.
Agency: American Cancer Society
Principal Investigator: Jerry A. Stitzel
Period of Support: 7/1/01-6/30/05
Percent Effort: 50%
Amount: $858,000 (Total Costs)
QTL (quantitative trait locus) analysis and fine mapping of genes that
influence nicotine oral self-selection in mice are the studies outlined
in this proposal.
Project Title:
Nicotinic Receptor Variability and Alcohol Sensitivity in Mice.
Agency: Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation
Principal Investigator: Jerry A. Stitzel
Period of Support: 7/1/01-6/30/03
Percent Effort: 10%
Amount: $78,450 (Total Costs)
The effect on receptor pharmacology and influence on alcohol-related
responses of naturally occurring amino acid polymorphisms in the mouse
?4 and ?6 nicotinic receptor subunits will be assessed.
Li, X., Karadsheh,
M., Jenkins, P., and Stitzel, J.A. Genetic correlation between alcohol
and nicotine consumption in mice. Submitted.
King,N.M., Stitzel, J.A., Collins,A.C. Interaction of the Nicotinic
Cholinergic System with Ethanol Withdrawal. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.
In Press.
Cui, C, Booker,
T.K., Allen, R.S., Grady, S.R., Whiteaker, P., Marks, M.J., Salminen,
O., Tritto, T., Butt, C.M., Allen, W.R., Stitzel, J.A., McIntosh, J.M.,
Boulter, J., Collins, A.C., Heinemann, S.F. The (3 nicotinic receptor
subunit: A component of a-Conotoxin MII binding nAChRs which modulate
dopamine and related behaviors. J Neurosci 23: 11045-11053, 2003
P.A., Modir, J.G., French, K., Goel, N., Nowak, M., and Stitzel, J.A.,
Identification of an alternatively processed nAChR a7 subunit RNA in
mouse brain. Molec Brain Res 117: 15-26, 2003.
Kim, H.,
Flanagin, B.A, Qin, C., Macdonald, R.L., and Stitzel, J.A. The Mouse
Chrna4 A529T Polymorphism Alters the Ratio of High to Low Affinity a4ß2
nAChRs. Neuropharmacol 45: 345–354, 2003.
Butt, C.M.,
Hutton, S.R., Stitzel, J.A., Balogh, S.A., Owens, J.C., and Collins,
A.C. A Naturally Occurring Polymorphism in the a4 Nicotinic Receptor
Gene (Chrna4) Modulates Enhancement of Nicotinic Receptor Function by
Ethanol. Alcholism: Clin Exp Res. 27:733-742,2003
P.A., Marks, M.J., Whiteaker, P.A., Balogh S.A. Collins, A.C., and Stitzel,
J.A. A Polymorphism in the Mouse Neuronal a4 Nicotinic Receptor Subunit
Results in an Alteration in Receptor Function. Molec. Pharmacol 62:334–342,
Tritto, T.,
Stitzel, J.A., Marks, M.J., and Collins, A.C. Variability in Response
to Nicotine in the LSxSS RI Strains: Potential Role of Polymorphisms
in a4 and a6 Nicotinic Receptor Subunit Genes. Pharmacogenetics 12:
197-208. 2002
Adams, C.A.,
Stitzel, J.A., Collins, A.C. and Freedman, R. a7 Nicotinic Receptor
Expression and the Anatomical Organization of Hippocampal Interneurons.
Brain Research 922: 180-190, 2001.
J.A., Dobelis, P., Jimenez, M.A., and Collins, A.C. LS and SS Mice Differ
in Nicotine-Stimulated 86+Rb Efflux and nAChR Alpha 4 Subunit cDNA Sequence.
Pharmacogenetics 11:331-339, 2001Tritto, T., Marley, R.J., Bastidas,
D., Stitzel, J.A., and Collins, A.C. Potential Regulation of Nicotine
and Alcohol Actions by a4-Containing Nicotinic Receptors. Alcohol 24:
69-78. 2001.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A., Grady, S.R., Picciotto, M.R., Changeux, J.-P., and Collins,
A.C. Nicotinic-Agonist Stimulated 86+Rb Efflux and [3H]Epibatidine Binding
in Brain Regions of Mice Differing in b2 Genotype. Neuropharmacology
39:2632-2645. 2000.
J.A. Lu, Y., Jimenez, M., Tritto, T., and Collins, A.C. Genetic and
Pharmacological Strategies Identify a Behavioural Function of Brain
Nicotinic Receptors. Behav Brain Res. 113: 57-64. 2000
Stitzel J.A.,
Leonard, S.S., and Collins, A.C. Genetic Regulation of Nicotine-Related
Behaviors and Brain Nicotinic Receptors. In: F. Clemente, C. Gotti,
and D. Fornasari (eds.). Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology: Neuronal
Nicotinic Receptors. Springer-Verlag. Milan, Italy. pp 563-585. 2000.
J.A., Jimenez, M., Marks, M.J., Tritto, T. and Collins, A.C. Potential
Role of the a4 and a6 Nicotinic Receptor Subunits in Regulating Nicotine-Induced
Seizures. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 293: 67-74. 2000.
Marks, M.J.,
Whiteaker, P., Calcaterra, J., Stitzel, J.A., Bullock, A.E., Grady,
S.R. Picciotto, M.R., Changeux, J.-P., and Collins, A.C. Two Pharmacologically
Distinct Components of Nicotinic Receptor Mediated Rubidium Efflux in
Mouse Brain Require the b2 Subunit. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 289:1090-1103.
J.A., Blanchette, J.M., and Collins, A.C. Sensitivity to the Seizure-Inducing
Effects of Nicotine is Associated with Strain-Specific Variants of the
a5 and a7 Nicotinic Receptor Subunit Genes. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.
284: 1104-1111. 1998.
J.A., Farnham, D.A., and Collins, A.C. Linkage of Strain-Specific Nicotinic
Receptor a7 Subunit Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms with Levels
of a-Bungarotoxin Binding in Brain. Molecular Brain Research 43: 30-40.
J.A., Farnham, D.A., and Collins, A.C. Chronic Corticosterone Treatment
Elicits Dose Dependent Changes in Mouse Brain a-Bungarotoxin Binding.
Neuroscience 72: 791-799. 1996.
J.A., Robinson, S.F., Marks, M.J., and Collins, A.C. Differences in
Response to Nicotine are Determined by Genetic Factors. In: The Effects
of Nicotine on Biological Systems II. Adlkofer, I.,Clarke, P.B.S., and
Quik, M. (eds.) Birkhauser Verlag, Boston. 1994.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A. and Collins, A.C. Genetic Influences on Nicotine Responses.
Pharmacol., Biochem. and Behav. 33: 667-678; 1989. Pauly, J.R., Stitzel,
J.A., Marks, M.J. and Collins, A.C. An Autoradiographic Analysis of
Cholinergic Receptors in Mouse Brain. Brain Research Bulletin. 22: 453-459;
J.A., Campbell, S.M., Collins, A.C. and Marks, M.J. Sulfhydryl Modification
of Two Nicotinic Binding Sites in Mouse Brain. Journal of Neurochemistry.
50: 920-928; 1988.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A. and Collins, A.C. Influence of Kinetics of Nicotine Administration
on Tolerance Development and Receptor Levels. Pharmacol., Biochem. and
Behav. 27: 505-512; 1987.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A. and Collins, A.C. Dose-Response Analysis of Nicotine Tolerance
and Receptor Changes in Two Inbred Mouse Strains. J. Pharmacol. Exp.
Ther. 239: 358-364; 1986.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A., Romm, E., Wehner, J.M. and Collins, A.C. Nicotinic Binding
Sites in Rat and Mouse Brain: Comparison of Acetylcholine, Nicotine,
and a-Bungarotoxin. Mol. Pharmacol. 30: 427-436; 1986.
Marks, M.J.,
Stitzel, J.A. and Collins, A.C. Time Course Study of the Effects of
Chronic Nicotine Infusion on Drug Response and Brain Receptors. J. Pharmacol.
Exp. Ther. 235: 619-628; 1986.