Component I

Clinical and GWAS Studies

This component will identify specific genetic loci that influence behavioral disinhibition. To do this, we will conduct a genome wide association study (GWAS)A genome-wide association study is an approach that involves rapidly scanning markers across the complete sets of DNA, or genomes, of many people to find genetic variations associated with a particular trait or traits. on an existing sample of 1000 adolescent cases and 1000 controls with Substance Dependence, Conduct Disorder, and HIV-related risk behaviors, and a new group of 600 adolescents recruited from adolescent substance abuse treatment programs and a control sample of 600 adolescents without serious substance or behavioral problems.

Current Consent Forms

docComponent 1 Proband Consent

docComponent 1 Control Consent

Prior Consent Forms

docComponent 1 Proband Consent

docComponent 1 Control Consent

