Former Component V: Clinical Studies: Defining Phenotypes and Early
Treatment Trials
This component aimed to refine, operationalize, and test the validity
of phenotypes for genetic studies of adolescent antisocial drug dependence
and comorbid conditions such as conduct disorder, ADHD, and depression.
Additionally, by supporting early Stage I treatment trials this component
aimed to generate hypotheses for future grant applications addressing
the roles of genes and environments in these disorders.
During the first five years of the center, beginning
in 1997, we accomplished the following highlights for Former Component
- Demonstrated mixed post-treatment course in adolescent patients, with
a high prevalence of relapse.
- Provided strong clinical evidence that cannabis produces withdrawal,
dependence, and significant reinforcement for self-administration in
antisocial youths.
- Showed that antisocial youths (in comparison with controls) perceive
greater acceptance of their drug use by their families.
- Developed a structured interview on child abuse and neglect for adolescent
patients. Showed that scores correlate with substance use, even among
- Showed good validity for our measures of conduct and substance problems
and for personality measures in substance-involved adolescents.
- Suggested considerable inaccuracy in the parent and teacher reports
of hypermotility that often are used to diagnose comorbid ADHD among
adolescents with conduct and substance problems.