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The NNSD6S interview is administered to CAP partners if the relationship is current and of at least a one month duration, is not current but occured in the last year and lasted for atleast one year, or if the subject has a child with the partner. It asks partners the same questions as the NNSD6. In sections about parents and sibilings, the questions are about the CAP subject's parents and sibilings, not the partner's parents and sibilings.To skip to a certain section of data, click on the section below.


Feelings toward Parents
Relationship Satisfaction
Caldwell Parenting Assessment
Long Term Goals


Nature and Nurture in Social Demography: Spouse/Significant Other Interview


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GENDER NUM STR 1 1=male, 2=female, 3=other (specify) 1 to 3 respondant's gender/sex
RELATE1 NUM STR 1 1=currently dating CAP subject, 2=not currently dating CAP subject - dated in the past, 3=married to CAP subject, 4=divorcced/separated from CAP subject, 5=had child with CAP subject, co-parents w/ CAP subject, 6=had child with CAP subject, but no contact/co-parenting 1 to 6 status of relationship with CAP subject
RELATE4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 in romantic relationship with CAP subject at least one month
RELATE5 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 in romantic relationship with CAP subject at least one year
RELATE6 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 share parenting responsibilities of a child with CAP subject


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
ED3 NUM STR 2 00=less than high school diploma or GED, 12=high school or GED, 13=one year, 14= two years (Associates of Arts), 15=three years, 16=four years, no degree, 17=five years or more, no degree, 18=bachelors, 20=masters, 22=advanced degree (e.g. doctorate, M.D., law degree) 00, 12 to 18, 20, 22 highest year of school completed
ED4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2-no 1 or 2 attending school now
ED5 NUM STR 1 1=high school, 2=technical, vocational, or trade school, 3=business or secretarial school, 4=2-year junior or community college, 5=4-year college, 6=graduate or professional school, 7=other 1 to 7 type of school attending
ED6 NUM STR 1 1=full time, 2= part time 1 or 2 attend school full time or part time
ED7A TEXT   subjects verbatim response   name of school attending
ED7B TEXT   subjects verbatim response   address of school attending
ED8 NUM STR 6 date attended mo/year date last attended school
ED9 NUM STR 1 1=high school, 2=technical, vocational, or trade school, 3=business or secretarial school, 4=2-year junior or community college, 5=4-year college, 6=graduate or professional school, 7=other 1 to 7 kind of school last attended
ED10 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 ever go back to school
ED11 NUM STR 1 1=less than a year, 2=a year or two, 3=three to four years, 4=five to six years, 5=more than six years, 6=don't know 1 to 6 when going back to school
ED12 NUM STR 1 1=12th grade or high school diploma, 2=graduate from technical, vocational, or trade school, 3=some college, 4=Associates degree, 5=Bachelors degree, 6=Masters degree, 7=Law or Specialists degree, 8=Doctorate or MD, 9=other (specify) 1 to 9 highest amount/kind of school expected to complete


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
WORK1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 currently have a job (paid/voluntary)
WORK2A TEXT   subject's verbatim response, -77   most important current job
WORK2B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 ever had a paid or voluntary job
WORK2C TEXT   subject's verbatim response, -77   most important recent job
WORK3 TEXT   subject's verbatim response   job duties
WORK4 NUM STR 1 1=top executive; proprietor of a major business; professional requiring an advanced degree, 2=manager; proprietor of a medium business; professional requiring a college degree, 3=administrative personnel; small business owner; semiprofessional, 4=sales and clerical work; technician, 5=skilled manual worker, 6=machine operator and semiskilled worker, 7=unskilled worker, 8=homemaker 1 to 8 position at work
WORK5 NUM STR 1 1=less than 20 hours, 2=20 to 30 hours, 3=31 to 40 hours, 4=more than 40 hours 1 to 4 hours worked at job
WORK5A NUM STR 1 1=less than 6 months, 2=7 months to 2 years, 3=3 to 5 years, 4=more than 5 years 1 to 4 duration at job
WORK6 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 job considered to be your career
WORK7 NUM STR 1 1=very much, 2=somewhat, 3=not very much, 4=not at all 1 to 4 job prepare you for your career
WORK8 NUM STR 1 1=very committed, 2=somewhat committed, 3=not very committed, 4=not at all committed 1 to 4 committed to career in current job field
WORK9 NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not very important, 4=not at all important 1 to 4 importance of having a career job
WORK10 NUM STR 1 1=very much, 2=somewhat, 3=not very much, 4=not at all 1 to 4 preparation of education for career

Contact with Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to partner's/past partner's mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency you get together with partner's/past partner's family for holidays

Feelings toward Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FEEL1T NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or2 does (did) subject have any contact with either of CAP partner's parents in any way mentioned above
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 feels loved and appreciated by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 depends on help from partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 depends on help from partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 emotionally close toward partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 emotionally close toward partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 extent of good communication with partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 extent of good communication with partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well understood by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well understood by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well do you understand partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well do you understand partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 conflict experienced with partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 conflict experienced with partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 disagreements with partner's/past partner's mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 disagreements with partner's/past partner's dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 frequency decisions are criticized by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 frequency decisions are criticized by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 too much influence on decisions exerted by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 too much influence on decisions exerted by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL12 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well 1 to 4 how well do (did) you get along with partner's parents
FEEL11 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well does (did) you partner get along with your parents
FEEL13 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problems with each other's parents cause(d) problems in your relationship with partner
FEEL14 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of a problem issues with each other's parents caused in relationship with partner
FEEL15 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of stress or pressure problems with each other's parents caused you

Help from Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent, 6=too little contact to comment 1 to 6 overall relationship with partner's/past partner's mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent, 6=too little contact to comment 1 to 6 overall relationship with partner's/past partner's dad
HELPKID1 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
HELPKID2 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents

Relationship with Siblings (abbreviated)

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
ANYSIBS NUM STR 1 1= yes, 2=no 1 or 2 does CAP subject have siblings
SIBHLP9 NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent, 6=too little contact to comment 1 to 6 description of relationship with partner's/past partner's siblings
SIBHLP10 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problems with CAP subject's siblings caused problems in relationship with CAP partner/past partner
SIBHLP11 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of problem issues with CAP subject's siblings caused in relationship with CAP partner/past partner


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FRIEND1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 socialized or spent time with friends during the past year (besides partner)
FRIEND2 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have one or more close friends
FRIEND3 NUM STR 1 1=not at all important, 2=not too important, 3=somewhat important, 4=pretty important, 5=very important 1 to 5 importance of having close friends and being included in their activities
FRIEND4 NUM STR 1 1=very little, 2=not too much, 3=some, 4=quite a bit, 5= a great deal 1 to 5 stress or pressure felt by not having close friends
FRIEND5 NUM STR 1 1=men friends, 2=women friends, 3=both men and women 1 to 3 gender of majority of friends
FRIEND9 NUM STR 1 1=very dissatisfied, 2=somewhat dissatisfied, 3=neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4=somewhat satisfied, 5=very satisfied 1 to 5 satisfaction with group of friends
FRIEND20 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 common friends with partner
FRIEND21 NUM STR 1 1=very few, 2=some, 3=most, 4=all 1 to 4 amount of friends common with partner
FRIEND22 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well, 5=(has no friends), 6=no contact with your friends 1 to 6 how well partner gets (got) along with your friends
FRIEND23 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well, 5=(has no friends), 6=no contact with your friends 1 to 6 how well do (did) your friends and partner's friends get along with each other
FRIEND24 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well, 5=(has no friends), 6=no contact with your friends 1 to 6 how well subject gets (got) along with partner's friends
FRIEND25 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have problems with friends caused problems in your relationship
FRIEND26 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of a problem issues with friends caused in relationship with CAP partner

Relationship Status/ Satisfaction

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
RHAPP1 NUM STR 1 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied 1 to 4 satisfaction with the amount of understanding you receive
RHAPP2 NUM STR 1 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied 1 to 4 satisfaction with the amount of love and affection you receive
RHAPP3 NUM STR 1 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied 1 to 4 satisfaction with the extent to which you and your partner/spouse agree about things
RHAPP4 NUM STR 1, 2 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied, -99=not applicable (not a sexual relationship) 1 to 4, -99 if relationship is also a sexual relationship, how satisfied are you with it
RHAPP5 NUM STR 1 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied 1 to 4 satisfaction with partner as someone to do things with
RHAPP6 NUM STR 1 1=satisfied, 2=somewhat satisfied, 3=somewhat dissatisfied, 4=dissatisfied 1 to 4 satisfaction with partner's faithfulness to you
RHAPP7 NUM STR 1 1=happy, 2=pretty happy, 3=not too happy 1 to 3 how would you describe your relationship
RHAPP8 NUM STR 1 1=better than most, 2= about the same as most, 3=not as good as most 1 to 3 compared with other relationships, is yours better than most, about the same as most, or not as good as most
RHAPP8T NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 is relationship current with CAP subject
RHAPP9 NUM STR 1, 2 1=getting better, 2=about the same, 3=getting worse, -99=not applicable (not in same relationship as last year) 1 to 3, -99 is relationship getting better, about the same, or getting worse
RHAPP10T NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 is the subject married
RHAPP10 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will marry this person

Problems in Relationship

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
RPROB1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one gets easily angered
RPROB2 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one has feelings that are easily hurt
RPROB3 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one is jealous
RPROB4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one is domineering
RPROB5 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one is moody
RPROB6 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one won't talk to the other
RPROB7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one has become less interested in sex
RPROB8 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one has had a sexual relationship with someone else
RPROB9 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one has irritating habits
RPROB10 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one is not home enough
RPROB11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one spends money foolishly
RPROB12 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one drinks or uses drugs
RPROB13 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problem in relationship because one has been in trouble with the law
Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
RINST1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 thought your relationship might be in trouble
RINST2 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 talked with family, friends or others about problems in your relationship
RINST3 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 thought about breaking up
RINST7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 you or your partner suggested the idea of breaking up
RINST8T NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 is relationship current with CAP subject
ROMA10B NUM STR 1 1=clearly subject initiated, 2=more subject initiated than partner, 3=equal initiation by both subject and partner, 4=more partner initiated than subject, 5=clearly partner initiated 1 to 5 who broke off relationship
ROMA10A NUM STR/TEXT 1, 2 1=moved away/due to distance, 2=infidelity, 3=wanted to date another person, 4=didn't want to commit/didn't want a serious relationship, 5= financial problems, 6=child rearing differences, 7=one partner didn't want children/number of children, 8=jealously/posessiveness/clinginess, 9=became friends instead, 10=drug and/or alcohol problems, 11=other (specify) 1 to 11 why relationship ended
RQUAL1A NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 satisfaction with romantic relationship

Number of Children

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FAMATT3 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, currently in relationship with CAP subject, 3=no, not in relationship with CAP subject 1 to 3 do you have children
FAMATT3A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 is CAP subject the biological parent of any of your children
FAMATT3B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 any of your children parented by CAP subject
FAMATT4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 desire to have children someday
FAMATT5 NUM STR/TEXT 1 1=children would interfere with my career, 2=there are already too many people in the world, 3=I don't think I'd be a good parent, 4=other (specify) 1 to 4 reason for not wanting a child
FAMATT6 NUM STR 2 subject's verbatim response in years 01 to 99 age subject would like to have first child
FAMATT7 NUM STR/TEXT 1 1=unmarried, 2=don't want children with current partner/no partner, 3=currently trying to have children, 4=not practical in current living/job/school situation, 5=waiting until older, 6=unable due to medical reasons, 7=financial constraints, 8=other (specify) 1 to 8 reasson for postponing having children
FAMATT8 NUM STR/TEXT 2 01=1 child, 02=2 children.99=99 children, subject's verbatim response ("out of my control") 01 to 99 number of children subject wants to have

Attitudes about Parenting

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
PARENT1 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 being a parent is harder than I thought it would be
PARENT2 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I feel capable and on top of things when caring for my child
PARENT3 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 more problems caring for my child than I expected
PARENT4 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I enjoy being a parent
PARENT5 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 it takes a long time for parents to develop close, warm feelings for their children
PARENT6 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I am succecful most of the time when I try to get my child to do or not do something
PARENT7 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I expected to have closer and warmer feelings for my child than I do, and that bothers me
PARENT8 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 child does things to bother me just to be mean
PARENT9 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 number of children I have now is too many
PARENT10 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 most of my life is spent doing things for my child
PARENT11 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I give up more of my life to meet my child's needs than I ever expected
PARENT12 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 I feel trapped by my responsibilities as a parent
PARENT13 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 since having a child, I have been unable to do new and different things
PARENT14 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 hard to find a place in our home where I can go by myself

Caldwell Parenting Assessment

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
CALDW_A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=some are, some aren't 1 to 3 child in daycare or school
CALDW_B NUM STR 1 1=less than 10 hours/week, 2=10 to 19 hours/week, 3=20 to 39 hours/week, 4=40 or more hours/week 1 to 4 hours per week child is in daycare or school
CALDW_C NUM STR/TEXT 1 1=other relative's care, 2=small home setting, 3=center, 4=school, 5=multiple settings/other (specify) 1 to 5 type of daycare/school setting child is in
CALDW1 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=rarely, 3=occasionally, 4=allows, sometimes "sets up", 5=enthusiastic, often "sets up" 1 to 5 frequency letting child play with messy things, like mud, food, or sand
CALDW2 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=1 time, 3=2 times, 4=3 times, 5=4 or more times 2 to 5 frequency slapping of spanking child when not minding in past week
CALDW3 NUM STR 1 1=no books, 2=1-20 books, 3=21-50 books, 4=51 to 100 books, 5=more than 100 books 1 to 5 number of books belonging to others in house that child can see
CALDW4 NUM STR 1 1=no books, 2=1-5 books, 3=6-20 books, 4=21-50 books, 5=more than 50 books 1 to 5 number of child's books that are readily available
CALDW5 NUM STR 1 1=no pets, 2= unresponsive pets, e.g. goldfish, 3=one responsive pet, 4=responsive plus other, 5=several responsive pets 1 to 5 type of pets family has
CALDW6 NUM STR 1 1=no substitutes, 2=1 person per week, 3=2 people per week, 4=3 people per week, 5=4 or more people per week 1 to 5 number of people who baby-sit child in a week, excluding daycare or school
CALDW7 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/week, 2=every other day, 3=once a day, 4=1-2 hours/day, 5=more than 2 hours/day 1 to 5 time child spends out of the house, excluding daycare or school
CALDW8 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/week, 2=every other day, 3=once a day, 4=a few times a day, 5=frequently during the day 1 to 5 frequency making suggestions for which toys or games child plays with
CALDW9 NUM STR 1 1=none, 2=one or two, 3=three to five, 4=six to ten, 5=more than ten 1 to 5 number of toys child has that he/she has available for which to play, but is not yet ready for
CALDW10 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/week, 2=every other day, 3=once a day, 4=1-2 hours/day, 5=more than 2 hours/day 1 to 5 frequency showing or playing together with child with toys that he/she is not ready for yet
CALDW11 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/week, 2=every other day, 3=once a day, 4=1-2 hours/day, 5=more than 2 hours/day 1 to 5 frequency having child with you and talk to him/her about what you're doing with housework and chores
CALDW12 NUM STR 1 1= no seeking, no action, 2=a little seeking and/or action, 3=has sought information and is interested, but not active, 4=has sought information, is active, 5=much information seeking, very active 1 to 5 how often information is sought about how to raise a child, and used with your family
CALDW13 NUM STR 1 1=1x/week or less, 2=at least 1x/week, 3=every other day, 4=every day, 5=more than 2 hours/day 1 to 5 time someone in family spends reading to child
CALDW14A NUM STR 1 1=0 to 5 hrs/week, 2=6 to 10 hrs/week, 3=11 to 15 hrs/week, 4=16 to 19 hrs/week, 5=20 or more hours a week 1 to 5 time spent taking care of child during child's waking hours
CALDW14B NUM STR 1 1=0 to 5 hrs/week, 2=6 to 10 hrs/week, 3=11 to 15 hrs/week, 4=16 to 19 hrs/week, 5=20 or more hours a week 1 to 5 time co-parent spends taking care of child during child's waking hours
CALDW15 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/week, 2=1 to 4 times/week, 3=5 to 7 times/week, 4=8 to 14 times/week, 5=more than 14 times 1 to 5 frequency child eats meals with family
CALDW16 NUM STR 1 1=less than 1x/month, 2=1-2x/month, 3=weekly, 4=several times/week, 5=almost daily 1 to 5 frequency child gets together with relatives or close friends

Religion (abbreviated)

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
RELDEM2 NUM STR 1 1= not at all important, 2=not very important, 3=somewhat important, 4=extremely important 1 to 4 importance of religion now
RELDEM4 NUM STR 1, 2 1=catholic, 2=protestant/christian (specify), 3=jewish, 4=mormon, 5=muslim, 6=buddhist, 7=hindu, 8=unitarian, 9=other (specify), 10=no religion, -77=don't know, -99=missing 1 to 10, -77, -99 religion practiced now
RELDEM9 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very, 3=somewhat, 4=very involved 1 to 4 degree of religious involvement, including attending services, making financial contributions, taking moments of prayer, meditation and contemplation, and reading the bible or other material
RELDEM10 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent respondant and CAP partner share same religious or spiritual beliefs
RELDEM11 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree differences in religious or spiritual beliefs caused problems with partner and subject's relationship

Problems in Neighborhood

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
NEIGHB1 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with high unemployment
NEIGHB2 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with racial or cultural groups that don't get along with eachother
NEIGHB3 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with vandalism, and building and personal belongings being broken and torn up
NEIGHB4 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with little respect for rules, laws and authority
NEIGHB5 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with winos and junkies
NEIGHB6 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with prostitution
NEIGHB7 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with heavy vehicle traffic
NEIGHB8 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with abandon houses
NEIGHB9 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with sexual assults and rapes
NEIGHB10 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with burglaries and thefts
NEIGHB11 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with gambling
NEIGHB12 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with run down and poorly kept buildings and houses
NEIGHB13 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with syndicate, mafia, or organized crime
NEIGHB14 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with assults and muggings
NEIGHB15 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with delinquent gangs
NEIGHB16 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with transients, street people, and homeless people
NEIGHB17 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with drug use or drug peddling in the open
NEIGHB18 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with transportation not available
NEIGHB19 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with medical services too far away
NEIGHB20 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with city officials ignoring problems
NEIGHB21 NUM STR 1 1=big problem, 2=somewhat of a problem, 3=not a problem 1 to 3 degree of problem neighborhood has with police not available when needed


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HEALTH1 NUM STR 1 1=excellent, 2=good, 3=fair, 4=not well, 5=poor 1 to 5 quality of health
HEALTH2 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=pretty much, 5=very much 1 to 5 during the past four weeks, how much have physical health problems caused you difficulty in doing your work or other regular activities
HEALTH3 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=pretty much, 5=very much 1 to 5 during the past four weeks, how much have emotional problems, such as feeling depressed or anxious, led you to accomplish less than you would have liked at work or other daily activities
HEALTH4 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=pretty much, 5=very much 1 to 5 during the past four weeks, how much have physical or emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups
HEALTH5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=pretty much, 5=very much 1 to 5 amount of pain in past four weeks
MED1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had asthma
MED2 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had bronchitis
MED3 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had frequent headaches
MED4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had frequent dizziness
MED5 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had frequent injuries
MED6 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had broken bones or fractures
MED7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had head injuries
MED8 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had diabetes
MED9 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had frequent stomach aches
MED10 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever been overweight
MED11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever been underweight
MED12 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had colorblindness
MED13 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had very poor eyesight
MED14 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had very poor hearing
MED15 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had ear surgery
MED16 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had acne
MED17 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had other skin problems
MED18 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had allergies to medications
MED19 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had allergies to animals
MED20 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had heart problems
MED21 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had high blood pressure
MED22 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had bladder infections
MED23 NUM STR 1, 2 1=yes, 2=no, (-99 for males) 1 or 2, -99 (females only, males enter -99) have you ever had menstrual problems
MED24 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had prolonged anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems
MED25 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had cancer
MED26 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had emphysema
MED27 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had chronic digestive disease
MED28 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had epilepsy or a seizure disorder
MED29 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had developmental problems, such as problems with speech, language, or learning
MED30 NUM STR/TEXT 1 1=yes (specify all), 2=no 1 or 2 have you ever had any other problems, major diseases, disabilities, or handicaps
MED31 NUM STR/TEXT 1 1=yes (specify all), 2=no 1 or 2 medication being taken on regular basis

Long Term Goals

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GOAL1A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having a good job or career
GOAL1B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having a good job or career
GOAL2A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of using abilities at job or career
GOAL2B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of using abilities at job or career
GOAL3A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of graduating from college
GOAL3AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 has subject graduated from college
GOAL3B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of graduating from college
GOAL4A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of being married
GOAL4AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 is subject married
GOAL4B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of getting married
GOAL5A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having children of your own
GOAL5AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 does subject have children
GOAL5B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having children of his/her own
GOAL6A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having an above annual income
GOAL6B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having an above annual income
GOAL7A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of providing a good home for your family
GOAL7B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of providing a good home for your family
GOAL8A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get more education
GOAL8B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get more education
GOAL9A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get a better job
GOAL9B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get a better job
GOAL10A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you earn a higher income
GOAL10B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you earn a higher income
GOAL11 NUM STR 1 1=completely satisfied, 2=almost completely satisfied, moderately satisfied, 4=slightly satisfied, 5=not at all satisfied 1 to 5 satisfaction with present standard of living and financial situation

General Questions (abbreviated)

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about
Modified 04.13.07
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