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The CAP children, their parents, and their home environments have been assessed repeatedly since infancy using a broad, multivariate battery of cognitive, soci-emotional, behavioral, and environmental measures. This full adoption design assesses genetic and environmental effects of parents on their children by comparing children to "genetic" parents (i.e., biological parenbts and their adopted-away offspring), "environmental" parents (i.e., adoptive parents of their adopted children), and "genetic-plus-environmental" parents (i.e., parents rearing their biological offspring). In addition to the index children (probands) in each family, the CAP has also assessed both adopted and biological children in the families. Comparisons of adoptive and nonadotpvie siblings provide similar information regarding the etiology of familial resemblance.

If you need more information about a particular domain, please contact us. Below are links to tables outlining the types of data we have collected.

18+ subject definitions, ages, domains: This data set includes more information about NNSD subjects such as data collection parameters, ages when data was collected for this sample, as well as the domains that are covered in detail in the major domains section of this website

DIS & DISC domains: Data collected with grant monies from the Center for the Genetics of Antisocial Drug Dependence (CADD) at ages 17, 21, and 26.

CAP 1-16 data domains: Data tables that specify all types of data we have collected from subjects starting at age 1 and continuing to age 16. Also includes data collected from CAP parents when their children were 1,7, 12 and 16.





Modified 04.13.07
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