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General Questions

The following questions address general questions including activities subject participates in most often, activity subject enjoys the most, other people that have had an influence on the subject, future living situation plans, and questions that ask about interview validity and topics covered. They are categorized by variable at the top and by NNSD year below, where the data dictionary version of the question includes the variable name, variable type, number of digits in code, formula, range, and variable label.

<printable page>

1 activity enjoyed the most X              
2 who got you started in activity enjoyed the most X              
3 duration doing activity most enjoyed X              
4 change in participation in activity most enjoyed X              
5 activity done for fun most often X              
6 who got you started in activity done for fun the most often X              
7 duration doing activity done for fun the most often X              
8 change in participation in activity done for fun the most often X              
9 type of housing currently X X X     X    
10 people currently living with X X X     X    
11 staying in same place next year X X X     X    
12 person living with next year X X X     X    
13 intended living location next year X X X     X    
14 other person who influenced your life X              
15 how person influenced your life X              
16 importance of interview questions to your life X X X     X X X
17 aspects of your life we forgot to ask about X X X     X X X
18 other major changes in subject's life since last interview       X        
19 description of other major changes in subject's life since last interview       X        

General Questions Domain by NNSD year


General Questions

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN1A NUM STR 1 1=socializing, 2=sports, 3=work, 4=clubs and organization meetings, 5=reading, 6=media activities (watching TV/movies/video games/listen to music), 7=creative art/playing music/writing, 8=volunteering, 9=other 1 to 9 activity enjoyed the most
GEN1B NUM STR 1 1=self, 2=friend, 3=teacher or coach, 4=spouse/significant other, 5=relative, 6=other 1 to 6 who got you started in activity enjoyed the most
GEN1C NUM STR 2 01=1 yr, 02=2yrs, .99=99yrs 01 to 99 duration doing activity most enjoyed
GEN1D NUM STR 1 1=has not changed, 2=less time spent in activity, 3=more time spent in activity 1 to 3 change in participation in activity most enjoyed
GEN2A NUM STR 1 1=socializing, 2=sports, 3=work, 4=clubs and organization meetings, 5=reading, 6=media activities (watching TV/movies/video games/listen to music), 7=creative art/playing music/writing, 8=volunteering, 9=other 1 to 9 activity done for fun most often
GEN2B NUM STR 1 1=self, 2=friend, 3=teacher or coach, 4=spouse/significant other, 5=relative, 6=other 1 to 6 who got you started in activity done for fun the most often
GEN2C NUM STR 2 01=1 yr, 02=2yrs, .99=99yrs 01 to 99 duration doing activity done for fun the most often
GEN2D NUM STR 1 1=has not changed, 2=less time spent in activity, 3=more time spent in activity 1 to 3 change in participation in activity done for fun the most often
GEN3A NUM STR 1 1=with parents, 2=college dormitory, 3=apartment or house, 4=military housing, 5=other 1 to 5 type of housing currently
GEN3B NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other 1 to 6 people currently living with
GEN3C NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 staying in same place next year
GEN3D NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other (not mentioned above) 1 to 6 person living with next year
GEN3E NUM STR 1 1=same area, 2=different area (town/country), 3=different state, 4=different country 1 to 4 intended living location next year
GEN4 NUM STR 1 1=friend, 2=teacher or coach, 3=aunt or uncle, 4=grandparent, 5=other relative, 6=other 1 to 6 other person who influenced your life
GEN4A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   how person influenced your life
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about


General Questions

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN3A NUM STR 1 1=with parents, 2=college dormitory, 3=apartment or house, 4=military housing, 5=other 1 to 5 type of housing currently
GEN3B NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other 1 to 6 people currently living with
GEN3C NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 staying in same place next year
GEN3D NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other (not mentioned above) 1 to 6 person living with next year
GEN3E NUM STR 1 1=same area, 2=different area (town/country), 3=different state, 4=different country 1 to 4 intended living location next year
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about


General Questions

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN3A NUM STR 1 1=with parents, 2=college dormitory, 3=apartment or house, 4=military housing, 5=other 1 to 5 type of housing currently
GEN3B NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other 1 to 6 people currently living with
GEN3C NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 staying in same place next year
GEN3D NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other (not mentioned above) 1 to 6 person living with next year
GEN3E NUM STR 1 1=same area, 2=different area (town/country), 3=different state, 4=different country 1 to 4 intended living location next year
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about


DEMO15A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 other major changes in subject's life since last interview
DEMO15B TEXT   subject's verbatim response   description of other major changes in subject's life since last interview


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN3A NUM STR 1 1=with parents, 2=college dormitory, 3=apartment or house, 4=military housing, 5=other 1 to 5 type of housing currently
GEN3B NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other 1 to 6 people currently living with
GEN3C NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 staying in same place next year
GEN3D NUM STR 1 1=by self, 2=with friends, 3=with spouse/significant other, 4=with unknown roommates, 5=with other relatives, 6=other (not mentioned above) 1 to 6 person living with next year
GEN3E NUM STR 1 1=same area, 2=different area (town/country), 3=different state, 4=different country 1 to 4 intended living location next year
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GEN5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 importance of interview questions to your life
GEN5A TEXT   subject's verbatim response   aspects of your life we forgot to ask about






Modified 04.13.07
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