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Long Range Goals

Currently the NNSD5, NNSD6 and NNSD6S address Long Range Goals. These questions ask about subject's long range goals with education, career, and family, and ask them what they believe their chances are of achieving these goals.Questions are categorized by variable at the top and by NNSD year below, where the data dictionary version of the question includes the variable name, variable type, number of digits in code, formula, range, and variable label.

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1 importance of having a good job or career X X X
2 chances of having a good job or career X X X
3 importance of using abilities at job or career X X X
4 chances of using abilities at job or career X X X
5 importance of graduating from college X X X
6 has subject graduated from college X X X
7 chances of graduating from college X X X
8 importance of being married X X X
9 is subject married X X X
10 chances of getting married X X X
11 importance of having children of your own X X X
12 does subject have children X X X
13 chances of having children of his/her own X X X
14 importance of having an above annual income X X X
15 chances of having an above annual income X X X
16 importance of providing a good home for your family X X X
17 chances of providing a good home for your family X X X
18 if you could change your life, would you get more education X X X
19 do you think you will you get more education X X X
20 if you could change your life, would you get a better job X X X
21 do you think you will you get a better job X X X
22 if you could change your life, would you earn a higher income X X X
23 do you think you will you earn a higher income X X X
24 satisfaction with present standard of living and financial situation X X X

Long Range Goals Domain by NNSD year


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GOAL1A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having a good job or career
GOAL1B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having a good job or career
GOAL2A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of using abilities at job or career
GOAL2B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of using abilities at job or career
GOAL3A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of graduating from college
GOAL3AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 has subject graduated from college
GOAL3B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of graduating from college
GOAL4A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of being married
GOAL4AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 is subject married
GOAL4B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of getting married
GOAL5A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having children of your own
GOAL5AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 does subject have children
GOAL5B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having children of his/her own
GOAL6A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having an above annual income
GOAL6B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having an above annual income
GOAL7A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of providing a good home for your family
GOAL7B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of providing a good home for your family
GOAL8A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get more education
GOAL8B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get more education
GOAL9A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get a better job
GOAL9B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get a better job
GOAL10A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you earn a higher income
GOAL10B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you earn a higher income
GOAL11 NUM STR 1 1=completely satisfied, 2=almost completely satisfied, moderately satisfied, 4=slightly satisfied, 5=not at all satisfied 1 to 5 satisfaction with present standard of living and financial situation


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GOAL1A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having a good job or career
GOAL1B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having a good job or career
GOAL2A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of using abilities at job or career
GOAL2B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of using abilities at job or career
GOAL3A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of graduating from college
GOAL3AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 has subject graduated from college
GOAL3B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of graduating from college
GOAL4A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of being married
GOAL4AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 is subject married
GOAL4B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of getting married
GOAL5A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having children of your own
GOAL5AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 does subject have children
GOAL5B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having children of his/her own
GOAL6A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having an above annual income
GOAL6B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having an above annual income
GOAL7A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of providing a good home for your family
GOAL7B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of providing a good home for your family
GOAL8A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get more education
GOAL8B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get more education
GOAL9A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get a better job
GOAL9B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get a better job
GOAL10A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you earn a higher income
GOAL10B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you earn a higher income
GOAL11 NUM STR 1 1=completely satisfied, 2=almost completely satisfied, moderately satisfied, 4=slightly satisfied, 5=not at all satisfied 1 to 5 satisfaction with present standard of living and financial situation


Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
GOAL1A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having a good job or career
GOAL1B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having a good job or career
GOAL2A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of using abilities at job or career
GOAL2B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of using abilities at job or career
GOAL3A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of graduating from college
GOAL3AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 has subject graduated from college
GOAL3B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of graduating from college
GOAL4A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of being married
GOAL4AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 is subject married
GOAL4B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of getting married
GOAL5A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having children of your own
GOAL5AI NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know 1 to 3 does subject have children
GOAL5B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having children of his/her own
GOAL6A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of having an above annual income
GOAL6B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of having an above annual income
GOAL7A NUM STR 1 1=very important, 2=somewhat important, 3=not at all important 1 to 3 importance of providing a good home for your family
GOAL7B NUM STR 1 1=good, 2=fair, 3=poor, 4=already achieved, 5=don't know 1 to 5 chances of providing a good home for your family
GOAL8A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get more education
GOAL8B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get more education
GOAL9A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you get a better job
GOAL9B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you get a better job
GOAL10A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 if you could change your life, would you earn a higher income
GOAL10B NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 do you think you will you earn a higher income
GOAL11 NUM STR 1 1=completely satisfied, 2=almost completely satisfied, moderately satisfied, 4=slightly satisfied, 5=not at all satisfied 1 to 5 satisfaction with present standard of living and financial situation
Modified 04.13.07
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