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Adult Parent-Child Relationships

The following questions address Parent-Child relationships among CAP subjects and their parents. The NNSD4PAR interview asks parents about thier relationship with their children as well as help they have given their children. In the NNSD6S interview the current or past partner of the CAP subject is asked questions about the CAP subject's parents if there has been contact. Questions are categorized by variable at the top and by NNSD year below, where the data dictionary version of the question includes the variable name, variable type, number of digits in code, formula, range, and variable label.

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1 parents separated X X X     X    
2 parents divorced X X X     X    
3 age when parents separated X X X     X    
4 whom lived with after parents' separation X X X     X    
5 mom lived with partner she was not married to X X X     X    
6 age when mom lived w/ partner she wasn't married to X              
7 partners mom lived with after separation or divorce X              
8 did mom marry any of the partners X X X     X    
9 did mom ever remarry X              
10 number of times mom re-married X              
11 age when mom re-married first time X              
12 age when mom re-married second time X              
13 age when mom re-married third time X              
14 age when mom re-married fourth time X              
15 dad lived with partner he was not married to X X X     X    
16 age when dad lived w/ partner he wasn't married to X              
17 partners dad lived with after separation or divorce X              
18 did dad marry any of the partners X X X     X    
19 did dad ever remarry X              
20 number of times dad re-married X              
21 age when dad re-married first time X              
22 age when dad re-married second time X              
23 age when dad re-married third time X              
24 age when dad re-married fourth time X              
25 living proximity to mom X X X     X X X
26 living proximity to dad X X X     X X X
27 living proximity to child         X      
28 how often have you seen your mom X X X     X X X
29 how often have you seen your dad X X X     X X X
30 how often have you seen your child         X      
31 telephone contact with mom X X X     X X X
32 telephone contact with dad X X X     X X X
33 telephone contact with child         X      
34 letter or e-mail contact with mom X X X     X X X
35 letter or e-mail contact with dad X X X     X X X
36 letter or e-mail contact with child         X      
37 frequency family gets together for holidays X X X     X X X
38 feels loved and appreciated by mom X X X     X X X
39 feels loved and appreciated by dad X X X     X X X
40 feels loved and appreciated by child         X      
41 depends on help from mom X X X     X X X
42 depends on help from dad X X X     X X X
43 depends on help from child         X      
44 emotionally close toward mom X X X     X X X
45 emotionally close toward dad X X X     X X X
46 emotionally close toward child         X      
47 extent of good communication with mom X X X     X X X
48 extent of good communication with dad X X X     X X X
49 extent of good communication with child         X      
50 how well understood by mom X X X     X X X
51 how well understood by dad X X X     X X X
52 how well understood by child         X      
53 how well do you understand mom X X X     X X X
54 how well do you understand dad X X X     X X X
55 how well do you understand child         X      
56 conflict experienced with mom X X X     X X X
57 conflict experienced with dad X X X     X X X
58 conflict experienced with child         X      
59 disagreements with mom handled by shouting X X X     X X X
60 disagreements with dad handled by shouting X X X     X X X
61 disagreements with child handled by shouting         X      
62 frequency decisions are criticized by mom X X X     X X X
63 frequency decisions are criticized by dad X X X     X X X
64 frequency decisions are criticized by child         X      
65 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom X X X     X X X
66 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad X X X     X X X
67 mom gave advice on decisions X X X     X X X
68 dad gave advice on decisions X X X     X X X
69 gave advice on decisions child had to make         X      
70 mom gave help in connection with jobs X X X     X X X
71 dad gave help in connection with jobs X X X     X X X
72 gave child help in connection with jobs         X      
73 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home X X X     X X X
74 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home X X X     X X X
75 took care of child's children, pets, plants or home         X      
76 mom gave financial help with money or loan X X X     X X X
77 dad gave financial help with money or loan X X X     X X X
78 gave child financial help with money or loan         X      
79 mom helped out during an illness X X X     X X X
80 dad helped out during an illness X X X     X X X
81 helped child out during an illness         X      
82 mom fixed or made something for you X X X     X X X
83 dad fixed or made something for you X X X     X X X
84 fixed or made something for child         X      
85 mom comforted you in a personal crisis X X X     X X X
86 dad comforted you in a personal crisis X X X     X X X
87 comforted child in a personal crisis         X      
88 mom gave you a special gift X X X     X X X
89 dad gave you a special gift X X X     X X X
90 gave child a special gift         X      
91 overall relationship with mom X X X     X X X
92 overall relationship with dad X X X     X X X
93 overall relationship with child         X      
94 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves X X X   X X X X
95 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents X X X   X X X X
96 were parents affectionate (when child was growing up) X              
97 were parents happy (when child was growing up) X              
98 were parents friendly (when child was growing up) X              
99 were parents quarrelsome (when child was growing up) X              
100 were parents violent (when child was growing up) X              
101 were parents mean to each other (when child was growing up) X              
102 were parents respectful of one another (when child was growing up) X              
103 were parents remote or distant from one another (when child was growing up) X              
104 mom spoke in warm and friendly voice (during first 16 years) X              
105 mom helped you as much as you needed (during first 16 years) X              
106 mom let you do things you liked doing (during first 16 years) X              
107 mom seemed emotionally cold (during first 16 years) X              
108 mom understood your problems and worries (during first 16 years) X              
109 mom was affectionate (during first 16 years) X              
110 mom tried to control what you were doing (during first 16 years) X              
111 mom invaded your privacy (during first 16 years) X              
112 mom let you decide things for yourself (during first 16 years) X              
113 mom made you feel unwanted (during first 16 years) X              
114 mom talked things over with you (during first 16 years) X              
115 mom gave you freedom you wanted (during first 16 years) X              
116 mom praised you (during first 16 years) X              
117 dad spoke in warm and friendly voice (during first 16 years) X              
118 dad helped you as much as you needed (during first 16 years) X              
119 dad let you do things you liked doing (during first 16 years) X              
120 dad seemed emotionally cold (during first 16 years) X              
121 dad understood your problems and worries (during first 16 years) X              
122 dad was affectionate (during first 16 years) X              
123 dad tried to control what you were doing (during first 16 years) X              
124 dad invaded your privacy (during first 16 years) X              
125 dad let you decide things for yourself (during first 16 years) X              
126 dad made you feel unwanted (during first 16 years) X              
127 dad talked things over with you (during first 16 years) X              
128 dad gave you freedom you wanted (during first 16 years) X              
129 dad praised you (during first 16 years) X              

Adult Parent-Child Relationships Domain by NNSD year


Relationship with Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HMPR1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 parents separated
HMPR1A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 2 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR2 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when parents separated
HMPR3 NUM STR 1 1=mother, 2=father, 3=joint custody, 4=joint custody, mostly with mother, 5=joint custody, mostly with father, 6=other 1 to 6 whom lived with after parents' separation
HMPR4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom lived with partner she was not married to
HMPR5 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when mom lived w/ partner she wasn't married to
HMPR6 NUM STR 2 01=1 partner, 02=2 partners.99=99 partners 01 to 99 partners mom lived with after separation or divorce
HMPR7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did mom marry any of the partners
HMPR8 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did mom ever remarry
HMPR9 NUM STR 1 1=1 time, 2=2 times.9=9 times 1 to 9 number of times mom re-married
HMPR10A NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when mom re-married first time
HMPR10B NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when mom re-married second time
HMPR10C NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when mom re-married third time
HMPR10D NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when mom re-married fourth time
HMPR11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad lived with partner he was not married to
HMPR12 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when dad lived w/ partner he wasn't married to
HMPR13 NUM STR 2 01=1 partner, 02=2 partners.99=99 partners 01 to 99 partners dad lived with after separation or divorce
HMPR14 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did dad marry any of the partners
HMPR15 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did dad ever remarry
HMPR16 NUM STR 1 1=1 time, 2=2 times.9=9 times 1 to 9 number of times dad re-married
HMPR17A NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when dad re-married first time
HMPR17B NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when dad re-married second time
HMPR17C NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when dad re-married third time
HMPR17D NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when dad re-married fourth time

Retrospective Parental Marital Relationship Scale

RPMR1 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents affectionate
RPMR2 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents happy
RPMR3 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents friendly
RPMR4 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents quarrelsome
RPMR5 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents violent
RPMR6 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents mean to each other
RPMR7 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents respectful of one another
RPMR8 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 were parents remote or distant from one another

Relationship with parents in first 16 years

RMRQ1 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom spoke in warm and friendly voice
RMRQ2 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom helped you as much as you needed
RMRQ3 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom let you do things you liked doing
RMRQ4 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom seemed emotionally cold
RMRQ5 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom understood your problems and worries
RMRQ6 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom was affectionate
RMRQ7 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom tried to control what you were doing
RMRQ8 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom invaded your privacy
RMRQ9 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom let you decide things for yourself
RMRQ10 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom made you feel unwanted
RMRQ11 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom talked things over with you
RMRQ12 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom gave you freedom you wanted
RMRQ13 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 mom praised you
RFRQ1 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad spoke in warm and friendly voice
RFRQ2 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad helped you as much as you needed
RFRQ3 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad let you do things you liked doing
RFRQ4 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad seemed emotionally cold
RFRQ5 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad understood your problems and worries
RFRQ6 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad was affectionate
RFRQ7 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad tried to control what you were doing
RFRQ8 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad invaded your privacy
RFRQ9 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad let you decide things for yourself
RFRQ10 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad made you feel unwanted
RFRQ11 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad talked things over with you
RFRQ12 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad gave you freedom you wanted
RFRQ13 NUM STR 1 1=rarely, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=almost always 1 to 4 dad praised you
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency family gets together for holidays
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with dad
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


Relationship with Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HMPRTA NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=don't know 1 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 parents separated
HMPR1A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 2 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR2 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when parents separated
HMPR3 NUM STR 1 1=mother, 2=father, 3=joint custody, 4=joint custody, mostly with mother, 5=joint custody, mostly with father, 6=other 1 to 6 whom lived with after parents' separation
HMPR4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom lived with partner she was not married to
HMPR7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did mom marry any of the partners
HMPR11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad lived with partner he was not married to
HMPR14 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did dad marry any of the partners
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your dad
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your mom
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency family gets together for holidays
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with dad
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


HMPRTA NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=don't know 1 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 parents separated
HMPR1A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 2 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR2 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old.99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when parents separated
HMPR3 NUM STR 1 1=mother, 2=father, 3=joint custody, 4=joint custody, mostly with mother, 5=joint custody, mostly with father, 6=other 1 to 6 whom lived with after parents' separation
HMPR4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom lived with partner she was not married to
HMPR7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did mom marry any of the partners
HMPR11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad lived with partner he was not married to
HMPR14 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did dad marry any of the partners

Contact with Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency family gets together for holidays

Feelings toward Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad

Help from Parents

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with dad
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


Contact with Children

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
KIDNAME TEXT   subject's verbatim response   child's name
KIDID NUM STR 5 child's CAP ID   child's CAP ID
KIDAGE NUM STR 2 child's age 01 to 99 child's age
KIDRELAT NUM STR TEXT 1 1=bio mom, 2=bio dad, 3=adopting mom, 4=adopting dad, 5=step mom, 6=step dad, 7=other (explain), 8=don't know 1 to 8 relationship of interviewee to the CAP/sibling subject
KIDPARNT NUM STR TEXT 1 1=bio mom, 2=bio dad, 3=adopting mom, 4=adopting dad, 5=step mom, 6=step dad, 7=other (explain) 1 to 7 relationship of interviewee to the CAP/sibling subject
KIDPROX NUM STR 1 1=in the same home, 2=in the same neighborhood, 3=in the same town, 4=within an hour's drive, 5=within a day's driving distance, 6=in a different state (need to fly to reach), 7=in a different country 1 to 7 proximity of interviewee to child
KIDCON1 NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your child
KIDCON2 NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with child
KIDCON3 NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with child
KIDCON4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency child gets together for holidays with family

Feelings toward Children

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
KIDFEEL1 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by child
KIDFEEL2 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from child
KIDFEEL3 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward child
KIDFEEL4 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with child
KIDFEEL5 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by child
KIDFEEL6 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand child
KIDFEEL7 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with child
KIDFEEL8 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with child handled by shouting
KIDFEEL9 NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by child

Help Given Children

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
KIDHELP1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 gave advice on decisions child had to make
KIDHELP2 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 gave child help in connection with jobs
KIDHELP3 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 took care of child's children, pets, plants or home
KIDHELP4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 gave child financial help with money or loan
KIDHELP5 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 helped child out during an illness
KIDHELP6 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 fixed or made something for child
KIDHELP7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 comforted child in a personal crisis
KIDHELP8 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 gave child a special gift
KIDHELP9 NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with child
MOREKIDS NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 more children to be discussed
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


Parent's Marital Statustop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
READY TEXT   y=finished completing family constellation   finished completing family constellation interview
HMPRTA NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=don't know 1 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR1 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 parents separated
HMPR1A NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 2 or 2 parents divorced
HMPR2 NUM STR 2 01=1yr old, 02=2yrs old…99=99 yrs old 01 to 99 age when parents separated
HMPR3 NUM STR 1 1=mother, 2=father, 3=joint custody, 4=joint custody, mostly with mother, 5=joint custody, mostly with father, 6=other 1 to 6 whom lived with after parents' separation
HMPR4 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom lived with partner she was not married to
HMPR7 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did mom marry any of the partners
HMPR11 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad lived with partner he was not married to
HMPR14 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 1=no 1 or 2 did dad marry any of the partners

Contact with Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency family gets together for holidays

Feelings toward Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad

Help from Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with dad
HELPKID1 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
HELPKID2 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


Contact with Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
READY2 TEXT   y=finished completing family constellation   finished completing family constellation interview
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency family gets together for holidays

Feelings toward Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 depends on help from dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 emotionally close toward dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 extent of good communication with dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well understood by dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 how well do you understand dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 conflict experienced with dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 disagreements with dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 frequency decisions are criticized by dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 too much influence on decisions exerted by dad

Help from Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent 1 to 5 overall relationship with dad
HELPKID1 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
HELPKID2 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents


Contact with Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
PROXPARM NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to partner's/past partner's mom
PROXPARF NUM STR 1 1=same house, 2=same neighborhood, 3=same town, 4=w/in an hour's drive, 5=w/in a day's drive, 6=different state (need to fly), 7=different country, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 living proximity to partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR1M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR1F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 how often have you seen your partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR2M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR2F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 telephone contact with partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR3M NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with partner's/past partner's mom
CONPAR3F NUM STR 1 1=less than once a year, 2=once a year, 3=several times a year, 4=once a month, 5=about once a week, 6=once a day, 7=more than once a day, 8=not applicable 1 to 8 letter or e-mail contact with partner's/past partner's dad
CONPAR4 NUM STR 1 1=never, 2=not very often, 3=usually, 4= always 1 to 4 frequency you get together with partner's/past partner's family for holidays

Feelings toward Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
FEEL1T NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or2 does (did) subject have any contact with either of CAP partner's parents in any way mentioned above
FEEL1M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot 1 to 4 feels loved and appreciated by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL1F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 feels loved and appreciated by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL2M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 depends on help from partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL2F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 depends on help from partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL3M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 emotionally close toward partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL3F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 emotionally close toward partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL4M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 extent of good communication with partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL4F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 extent of good communication with partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL5M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well understood by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL5F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well understood by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL6M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well do you understand partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL6F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well do you understand partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL7M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 conflict experienced with partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL7F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 conflict experienced with partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL8M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 disagreements with partner's/past partner's mom handled by shouting
FEEL8F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 disagreements with partner's/past partner's dad handled by shouting
FEEL9M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 frequency decisions are criticized by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL9F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 frequency decisions are criticized by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL10M NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 too much influence on decisions exerted by partner's/past partner's mom
FEEL10F NUM STR 1 1=not at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=a lot, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 too much influence on decisions exerted by partner's/past partner's dad
FEEL12 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well 1 to 4 how well do (did) you get along with partner's parents
FEEL11 NUM STR 1 1=not well, 2=somewhat, 3=pretty well, 4=very well, 5=too little contact to comment 1 to 5 how well does (did) you partner get along with your parents
FEEL13 NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no 1 or 2 problems with each other's parents cause(d) problems in your relationship with partner
FEEL14 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of a problem issues with each other's parents caused in relationship with partner
FEEL15 NUM STR 1 1=not very much, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a bit, 4=a great deal 1 to 4 degree of stress or pressure problems with each other's parents caused you

Help from Parentstop

Variable Name
Digits in Code
Variable Label
HELP1M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave advice on decisions
HELP1F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave advice on decisions
HELP2M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave help in connection with jobs
HELP2F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave help in connection with jobs
HELP3M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP3F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad took care of children, pets, plants or home
HELP4M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave financial help with money or loan
HELP4F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave financial help with money or loan
HELP5M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom helped out during an illness
HELP5F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad helped out during an illness
HELP6M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom fixed or made something for you
HELP6F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad fixed or made something for you
HELP7M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom comforted you in a personal crisis
HELP7F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad comforted you in personal crisis
HELP8M NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's mom gave you a special gift
HELP8F NUM STR 1 1=yes, 2=no, 3=too little contact to comment 1 to 3 partner's/past partner's dad gave you a special gift
HELP9M NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent, 6=too little contact to comment 1 to 6 overall relationship with partner's/past partner's mom
HELP9F NUM STR 1 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=reasonable, 4=good, 5=excellent, 6=too little contact to comment 1 to 6 overall relationship with partner's/past partner's dad
HELPKID1 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to let aging parents live with them when they can no longer live by themselves
HELPKID2 NUM STR 1 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=srtongly disagree 1 to 4 children ought to provide financial help to aging parents





Modified 04.13.07
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