1. Students must participate in the weekly journal club and colloquia series at the Institute for Behavior Genetics. Each student must present at journal club at least three times during the course of their training but yearly presentations are encouraged. Two presentations should be made on relevant papers and the third presentation should be focused on the student's own research.
2. Genetics (e.g., UCB: EBIO 2070 or MCDB 2150, 3 credits or UCD: GENETICS 3831, 3 credits). A student may elect to fulfill this requirement via a written proficiency examination in general genetics.
3. Behavioral Genetics: This course is a 4-credit course, 2 credits that are taught through IPHY (IPHY 5102) and 2 credits taught through PSYC (PSCY 5102).
4. Statistics (e.g., UCB: Psychology 5751, 4 credits, or 5541, 4 credits). This must be a graduate-level course in statistics (of at least one semester), approved by the student's advisory committee.
5. Scientific ethics (e.g. Psychology 5112, 3 credits; Pharmacology 7605)
1. Quantitative Genetics (UCB: Psychology 5122, 3 credits).
2. Molecular Genetics and Behavior (e.g., UCB: Psychology 5232, 3 credits; UCB: MCDB 5232, 3 credits).
3. Biometrical Methods in Behavioral Genetics (e.g. UCB: Psychology 5242, 3 credits).
4. Bioinformatics and Genomics (e.g., Integrative Physiology 6010, 3 credits).
5. Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis (e.g., Psychology 5112, 3 credits)
1. Concepts in Behavioral Genetics (e.g., UCB: Psychology 5112, 3 credits).
In some cases, this course may be cross-listed with an affiliated department. Examples of concept courses include Genetics of Psychopathology, Evolutionary Psychology, or other current topics.
2. Molecular Genetics of Addiction (e.g., Integrative Physiology 6010, 3 credits).
3. Seminar in Behavioral Genetics (e.g., UCB: Psychology 7102, 2 credits).
Examples of seminar courses include: Mouse Models for Behavior Genetics, Genetics of Personality, Genetics and Substance Abuse, and Developmental Psychopathology.
Most of our students are trained through Psychology, Integrative Physiology, or Neuroscience. Sample curriculum paths for each of these areas are provided here: