Training Grant Support

Lab1IBG is honored to have been awarded three NIH-funded training grants to support a total of 13 predoctoral students and 4 postdoctoral trainees. These grants are administered through the National Institute of Mental Health (PI: John Hewitt), the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (PI: John Hewitt), and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (PI: Allan Collins).

All IBG predoctoral trainees are fully supported during their graduate studies, either through one of these NIH-funded training grants, as a research assistant (RA) with their faculty mentor, or as a teaching assistant (TA) in their home department. This support includes a living stipend, tuition, insurance, and limited book and travel allowance to trainees in our program who continue to meet annual requirements. All students who apply to the IBG training program are automatically considered for a training grant position. Those who are not awarded a slot in their first year may become eligible in subsequent years.


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