The Institute has three federally funded training programs. One training grant, funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, supports one post doctoral fellow and five predoctoral students. A second training grant, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, supports one postdoctoral fellow and four predoctoral students. A third training grant, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, supports two postdoctoral fellows and four predoctoral students. Individuals interested in applying for a postdoctoral fellowship should initially contact a Faculty Fellow with whom they would wish to work.
Faculty Position in Behavior Genetics
The Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, invites applications for a tenure track appointment at the Assistant or Associate Professor level with a joint appointment in an appropriate academic department. Candidates who employ state-of-the-art behavioral and genetic methods to study complex behaviors in animal models are urged to apply. Applicants who have demonstrated expertise in using mouse genetic models to study complex behaviors such as substance abuse, learning and memory, psychopathologies, aging, and sleep disorders will be given special consideration. The appointee will participate in the research and teaching missions of both the Institute and his or her academic department. Minimum requirements are a PhD, MD, or equivalent terminal degree.
Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, sample research papers, and at least three letters of recommendation to: Search Committee (Faculty), Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, 447 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0447. Application review will begin January 14th, 2008, and continue until the position is filled. The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.
Behavioral Pharmacogenetics of Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Postdoctoral fellowships are available for research in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse, utilizing pharmacogenetic and behavior genetic strategies. Laboratories contributing to this multidisciplinary postdoctoral training program range from those conducting human epidemiological and genetic studies to those undertaking molecular biological, genomic and proteomic studies of animals. Units of the University of Colorado involved in the program are the Departments of Pharmacology, Psychiatry, and Medicine in the School of Medicine at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO; the School of Pharmacy at the Health Sciences Center in Denver, CO, and the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics in Boulder, CO. This training program is now in its 31st year and supports 8 postdoctoral fellows. Preference will be given to candidates early in their postdoctoral training. Initial inquiries should be sent to the Training Grant Administrator, Donna Moye (, 303-724-3627).
Executive Committee: Paula Hoffman (Principal Investigator), Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Nancy Zahniser, Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center; John K. Hewitt, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Investigators, consultants, and preceptors: Michael Browning Allan Collins, Thomas Crowley, Richard Dietrich, Mark Dell'Acqua, Robert Freedman, Paula Hoffman, Christian Hopfer, Lawrence Hunter, Kent Hutchison, Thomas Johnson, David Jones, Sherry Leonard, Dennis Petersen, Richard Radcliffe, Paula Riggs, James Sikela, Andrew Smolen, Michael Stallings, Boris Tabakoff, Vasilis Vasiliou, Jeanne Wehner, Michael Zawada, Christine Wu, Kim Heidenreich, Marissa Ehringer and Thomas Beresford.
The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.