New graduate applicants to the University of Colorado should apply directly to a Ph.D. program affiliated with IBG faculty. In addition, you should submit an interest form to IBG so we know you are interested in our certificate program.
Applications to the training program are accepted at any time. Admittance to the program and training grant appointments are determined every year in early February, coinciding with departmental program application deadlines. To be considered for the IBG training program at the beginning of a fall semester, we must receive your application materials by January 15 of that year.
1) Apply To Department Program:
2) Complete IBG Interest Form.
The purpose of this form is to identify students who are interested in graduate studies at IBG. You can fill out the interest form online or submit in via mail.
For current CU graduate students (i.e. those who have already completed at least one year of coursework), you may request that two letters of recommendation be sent from your department from your original submission, or you may request two new letters. The third recommendation letter for current CU students must be submitted by their proposed IBG Faculty Fellow mentor.
If you fill out the paper interest form, please send to:
Director, Behavioral Genetics Training Program
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Campus Box 447
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309