
Wednesday, April 2
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Muenzinger E214

Thomas J. Gould, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology and the Center for Substance Abuse Research
Temple University

Nicotine and Learning: From Behavior to Neural and Genetic Substrates

Tobacco use is a serious health problem in the United States, which attests to the strong addictive nature of nicotine. Whereas nicotine is reinforcing, it is not as reinforcing as other substances of abuse. This suggests that additional factors may contribute to nicotine addiction. Nicotinic acetylcholinergic receptors have been linked to cognitive processes; thus the ability of nicotine to alter learning and synaptic plasticity may facilitate nicotine addiction. Research in the Gould laboratory links the effects of nicotine on hippocampus-dependent learning to underlying changes in neural and genetic substrates and examines how these effects change as nicotine administration transitions from acute treatment to chronic treatment to withdrawal from chronic treatment. Because both learning and addiction result in long-lasting behavioral changes, understanding the cellular and genetic factors that contribute to these changes in plasticity and behavior will advance understanding of both addiction and learning.


Wednesday, April 9
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Muenzinger E214

Dr. Jonathan Wisor
Staff Scientist
SRI International

Pharmacology and Genetics of Sleep Disorders: Insights from animal models

The neurobiological underpinnings of sleep and its disorders remain ill-defined. I and my colleagues have utilized pharmacological and behavioral manipulations of wild type and genetically engineered animals and have exploited phenotypic variability among laboratory mouse strains to gain insights in this area. In my presentation, I will describe the knowledge we have gained regarding mechanisms of sleep/wake therapeutics, the interactions of the molecular ircadian clock with sleep regulatory mechanisms, and a unique animal model we have developed for studies on circadian regulation of sleep.


Wednesday, April 16
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Muenzinger E214

Dr. Don Cooper
Assistant Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Psychostimulant-induced plasticity in the brain reward circuitry: From measurement to manipulation

Drug addiction is primarily a disease that targets the brain*s motivation/reward and decision-making centers. Addicts demonstrate a loss of control over drug intake and often seek drugs even in the face of profound negative consequences. Such impairments in decision-making are hallmark features of pathological frontal cortical function. The goal of the Cooper laboratory is to use state-of-the-art functional analysis and novel molecular genetic tools to identify the mechanisms of psychostimulant-induced plasticity in the brain reward pathways and then use these tools to restore normal cellular function. Recently, the Cooper laboratory has explored a reverse translational (human to rodent) approach to uncover a novel mechanism for diminished prefrontal cortical function (hypofrontality) during abstinence from cocaine. A combination of brain imaging in cocaine addicts, rodent DNA microarray analysis, transgenic GFP mice and multielectrode electrophysiological recordings reveal cocaine-induced molecular and physiological changes in prefrontal cortical superficial layer function. Such prefrontal cortical layer specific neuroadaptations may be shared across addictive substances and, therefore, may be a useful therapeutic target. Using rodent cocaine self-administration as a model to induce plasticity, the Cooper laboratory is now focused on restoring cocaine-induced prefrontal cortical synaptic function using viral vectors and novel AMPAkine compounds that target superficial prefrontal cortical layers to boost excitatory transmission.


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