Faculty Fellows
Greg Carey


Gregory Carey

345 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0345
phone: (303) 492-1658
fax: (303) 492-2967




Research Interests:

Concentration on anxiety disorders and on the development of externalizing behavior (antisocial tendencies, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse) during adolescence. A second major interest is the use of quantitative models to represent mechanisms of assortative mating, development, cultural transmission, and sibling interactions.

Selected Publications:

1. Carey G & Gottesman II.(2006) Genes and antisocial behavior: perceived versus real threats to jurisprudence.
Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 34, 342-51. | pubmed abstract |

2. Carey G. (2005) The intraclass covariance matrix. Behavior Genetics, 35, 667-70. | pubmed abstract |

3. Taylor J & Carey G. (1998). Antisocial behavior, substance use, and somatization in families of adolescent drug abusers and adolescent controls. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24, 635-46. | pubmed abstract |


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