Faculty Fellows
Al Collins


Al Collins

447 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0447
phone: (303)-492-8752
fax: (303) 492-8063




Research Interests:

Neurochemical correlates of nicotine use, tolerance development, and withdrawal; neurochemical bases of alcohol tolerance; biochemical bases of behavior; and use of genetics as a tool to determine the mechanism of action of drugs.

Selected Publications:

1. Brown RW, Collins AC, Lindstrom JM, Whiteaker P.(2007). Nicotinic alpha5 subunit deletion locally reduces high-affinity agonist activation without altering nicotinic receptor numbers. Journal of Neurochemistry, 103, 204-15. | pubmed abstract |

2. Kelso ML, Wehner JM, Collins AC, Scheff SW, Pauly JR. (2006). The pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury in alpha7 nicotinic cholinergic receptor knockout mice. Brain Research, 1083, 204-10. | pubmed abstract |

3. Collins AC, Wilkins LH, Slobe BS, Cao JZ, Bullock AE (1996). Long-term ethanol and nicotine treatment elicit tolerance to ethanol. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, 990-9. | pubmed abstract |


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