Identification of genetic mechanisms that contribute to alcohol, tobacco, and substance use.
Application of genomics/bioinformatics resources to study behavior genetics
Selected Publications:
1. Ehringer MA, Clegg HV, Collins AC, Corley RP, Crowley T, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Krauter K, Lessem J, Rhee SH, Schlaepfer I, Smolen A, Stallings MC, Young SE, Zeiger JS. (2007). Association of the neuronal nicotinic receptor beta2 subunit gene (CHRNB2) with subjective responses to alcohol and nicotine. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet., 144(5), 596-604. | pubmed abstract |
2. Ehringer MA, Rhee SH, Young S, Corley R, Hewitt JK. (2006) Genetic and environmental contributions to common psychopathologies of childhood and adolescence: a study of twins and their siblings. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 34(1), 1-17. | |pubmed abstract |
3. Ehringer MA & Sikela JM. (2002). Genomic approaches to the genetics of alcoholism. Alcohol Research & Health, 26(3), 181-92. | pubmed abstract |