Faculty Fellows

Matthew Keller


Matthew C Keller

Assistant Professor, Psychology
University of Colorado, Boulder
Muenzinger D347B
345 UCB Boulder, CO  80309-0447

Phone: 303.492-5799
Fax: 303.492.8063
Email: matthew.c.keller@Colorado.EDU
Website: http://www.matthewckeller.com/


Research Interests:

Testing evolutionary hypotheses using human genetic data, and modeling and simulating genetically informative designs that better enable us to understand the causes of human differences.

Selected Publications:

1. Keller MC, Neale MC & Kendler KS. (2007) Association of different adverse life events with distinct patterns of depressive symptoms. The American journal of psychiatry, 164(10), 1521-9. | pubmed abstract |

2. Cannon TD & Keller MC. (2006) Endophenotypes in the genetic analyses of mental disorders. Annual review of clinical psychology, 2, 267-90. | pubmed abstract |

3. Keller MC & Miller G. (2006) Resolving the paradox of common, harmful, heritable mental disorders: which evolutionary genetic models work best? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(4), 385-404.| pubmed abstract |

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