Faculty Fellows

Soo Rhee

Soo Rhee

Department of Psychology
345 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0345
Muenzinger Room D313-C and IBG 254
Phone:(303) 492-4631
Fax: (303) 492-2967

doc Recent Publications

Research Interests:

  • Etiology and development of childhood disruptive disorders
  • Etiology and development of substance use disorders
  • Causes of comorbidity between psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders
  • Development of methods discriminating correct models for causes of comorbidity

Publication Highlights:

1. Button, T. M. M., Rhee, S. H., Hewitt, J. K., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., & Stallings, M. C. (2007).  The role of conduct disorder in explaining the comorbidity between alcohol and illicit substance abuse and dependence problems.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87, 46-53. | pubmed abstract |

2. Rhee, S. H., Hewitt, J. K., Young, S. E., Corley, R. P., Crowley, T. J., Neale, M. C., & Stallings, M. C. (2006).  Comorbidity between alcohol dependence and illicit drug dependence in adolescents with antisocial behavior and matched controls.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 84, 85-92. | pubmed abstract |

3.Rhee, S. H., Neale, M. C., Corley, R. C., & Hewitt, J. K. (2007).  The inclusion of measured covariates in the Neale and Kendler model fitting approach.  Behavior Genetics, 37, 423-432. | pubmed abstract |



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