The endocrinological and genetic bases of maternal behavior, sexual behavior, activity differences, and learning differences in mice; and genetic studies of cognitive functions in humans.
Selected Publications:
1. Nagoshi, C. T., Wilson, J. R., & Rodriguez, L. A. (1991).
Impulsivity, sensation seeking, and behavioral and emotional responses
to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 15,
661-667. | pubmed abstract |
2. Wilson, J.R., and Crowe, C.L. (1991) Genetics of alcoholism: Can and should youth at risk be identified? Alcohol Health and Research World, 15, 11-17.
3. Berta, J., & Wilson, J. R. (1992). Seven generations of genetic selection for ethanol dependence in mice. Behavior Genetics, 22, 345-359. | pubmed abstract |