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Jeff Lessem
Publication Highlights:
Hopfer, C.J., Timberlake, D., Haberstick, B., Lessem, J.M., Ehringer, M.A., Smolen, A., and Hewitt, J.K. (2005). Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 78(2), 187-193. | abstract |
Hall, M.H., Schulze, K., Bramon, E., Murray, R.M., Sham, P., and Rijsdijk, F. (2006). Genetic overlap between P300, P50, and duration mismatch negativity. American Journal of Medical Genetics B Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 141(4), 336-343. | pubmed abstract|
Cherny SS, Sham PC, Cardon, LR. (2004) Introduction to the Special Issue on Variance Components Methods for Mapping Quantitative Trai Loci. Behavior Genetics 34(2): 125-126.